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Streams heard since April 2006:
Streaming Radio Guide
FCC ownership history for radio station KODL-AM
(The Dalles, Oregon)
FCC ownership history for radio station KODL-AM (The Dalles, Oregon)
Ownership Report BOA20121001AAZ - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1518331
Licensee: Larson-Wynn, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003780053
Elwyn T Wynn
MD Van Valkenburg%
Ownership Report BOA20110131ASF - As of 11/01/2009 - Application ID 1415741
Licensee: Larson-Wynn, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003780053
Elwyn T Wynn
MD Vanvalkenburgh%
Ownership Report BOA20051003BRE - As of 10/03/2005 - Application ID 1090330
Elwyn T Wynn
MD Vanvalkenburgh