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Streams heard since April 2006:
Streaming Radio Guide
FCC ownership history for radio station WOLF-FM
(Baldwinsville, New York)
FCC ownership history for radio station WOLF-FM (Baldwinsville, New York)
Ownership Report BOS20170919AAW - As of 08/21/2017 - Application ID 1766786
Licensee: Foxfur Communications LLC - FCC Registration # 0018750067
Foxfur Communications LLC
Craig L Fox
Samuel J Furco, Jr. %
Ownership Report BOA20151203AGX - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1711748
Licensee: Foxfur Communications LLC - FCC Registration # 0018750067
Foxfur Communications LLC
Craig L Fox
Samuel J Furco, Jr. %
Ownership Report BOA20131216AAO - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1605252
Licensee: Foxfur Communications LLC - FCC Registration # 0018750067
Foxfur Communications LLC
Craig L Fox
Samuel J Furco, Jr. %
Ownership Report BOA20111025AAA - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1454264
Licensee: Foxfur Communications LLC - FCC Registration # 0018750067
Foxfur Communications LLC
Craig L Fox
Samuel J Furco, Jr. %
Ownership Report BOA20100621AAB - As of 11/01/2009 - Application ID 1373624
Licensee: Foxfur Communications LLC - FCC Registration # 0018750067
Foxfur Communications LLC
Craig L Fox
Samuel J Furco, Jr. %
Ownership Report BOA20060126AIY - As of 01/26/2006 - Application ID 1111324
Craig L Fox
Ownership Report BOA20060126AIY - As of 01/26/2006 - Application ID 1110820
Craig L Fox
Ownership Report BOA20060126AIT - As of 01/31/2005 - Application ID 1110813
Craig L Fox
Ownership Report BOA20030318AEG - As of 01/28/2003 - Application ID 652486
Craig L Fox
Ownership Report BOA20010601AIJ - As of 05/30/2001 - Application ID 576345
Richard Ha Tuisku, 1101 Lynn, Handcock, Mi 49930
Justin M Marzke, 142 Woodland Avenue Laurium, Mi 49930
Ownership Report BOA19990520AAU - As of 05/20/1999 - Application ID 552962
Richard Ha Tuisku, 1101 Lynn, Handcock, Mi 49930
Justin M Marzke, 142 Woodland Avenue Laurium, Mi 49930
Ownership Report BOA19990320AAL - As of 05/20/1999 - Application ID 552959
Richard Ha Tuisku, 1101 Lynn, Handcock, Mi 49930
Justin M Marzke, 142 Woodland Avenue, Laurium, Mi 49913