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"I keep thinking that insanity is a state where a person can't tell what's real. Well, what's real now is insane - and if I accepted it as real, I'd have to lose my mind, wouldn't I?" Eddie Willers ?
Streaming Radio Guide
FCC ownership history for radio station WABQ-AM
(Painesville, Ohio)
FCC ownership history for radio station WABQ-AM (Painesville, Ohio)
Ownership Report BOA20131219IBZ - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1609416
Licensee: Radio Advantage One, LLC - FCC Registration # 0015381387
Radio Advantage One LLC
Almira Byrd
Dale Dedwards, Jr.
Dale Edwards%
Ownership Report BOA20120601AOB - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1502249
Licensee: Radio Advantage One, LLC - FCC Registration # 0015381387
Radio Advantage One, LLC
Dale Edwards
Almira Byrd
Dale Dedwards, Jr. %
Ownership Report BOA20100708TVX - As of 11/01/2009 - Application ID 1379885
Licensee: Radio Advantage One, LLC - FCC Registration # 0015381387
Radio Advantage One, LLC
Dale Edwards%
Ownership Report BOA20080602BQL - As of 06/02/2008 - Application ID 1248703
Dale Edwards, 3691 Concord Drive, Beachwood, Oh 44122
Ownership Report BON20040524ABP - As of 05/07/2004 - Application ID 992239
Dale Edwards, 3691 Concord Drive, Beachwood, Oh 44122
Dionne Edwards, 3691 Concord Drive, Beachwood, Oh 44122
Almira Byrd, 3691 Concord Drive, Beachwood, Oh 44122
Ownership Report BOS20040428AAK - As of 03/31/2004 - Application ID 990877
Dale Edwards, 3691 Concord Drive, Beachwood, Oh 44122
Dionne Edwards, 3691 Concord Drive, Beachwood, Oh 44122
Almira Byrd, 3691 Concord Drive, Beachwood, Oh 44122