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Streaming Radio Guide
FCC ownership history for radio station KFJZ-AM
(Fort Worth, Texas)
FCC ownership history for radio station KFJZ-AM (Fort Worth, Texas)
Ownership Report BOA20101004ABY - As of 11/01/2009 - Application ID 1402223
Licensee: Siga Broadcasting Corporation - FCC Registration # 0003790425
Gabriel Arango
Silvia Arango%
Ownership Report BOA20090422ACQ - As of 04/22/2009 - Application ID 1310218
Gabriel Arango, 1302 N Shepherd, Houston TX 77008
Silvia Arango, 1302 N Shepherd, Houston, TX 77008
Ownership Report BOS20080103AAQ - As of 01/03/2008 - Application ID 1227037
Gabriel Arango
Silvia Arango