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DescriptionSince leaving terrestrial radio, former NOW leader turned Conservative lesbian Tammy Bruce is keeping her message alive on the web and via podcast. Tune in and see what she has been up to.
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Tammy Bruce: Tammy says Michele Bachmann isn't taking part in the upcoming CNN/Tea Party debate, but CNN says she is
Tammy Bruce: Tammy talks with KABC's John Phillips about the loony left
Tammy Bruce: Tammy explains how the Obama regime wants taxpayers to pay more and get less in return
Tammy Bruce: An Orthodox Jew discusses the state of Jewish voter support for Obama
Tammy Bruce: The Taliban are threatening to behead American soldiers. Newt says if we don't have a plan to get out, we should leave - Tammy agrees
Tammy Bruce: The torture thing in Chicago; Maddox worried Trump is going to send her to camp
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(Tammy Bruce)
, 1:00 PM3:00 PMMTWTF..
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(Tammy Bruce)
, 8:00 PM10:00 PMMTWTF..

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