Anonymous Irony

In order to ensure the “sacred right to express opinions in any way”, they will begin shutting down Islamist web sites.

Back in the day, this was similar to the problem of celebrating free speech in America then the same people using government power to suppress Communist influence in Hollywood. Existential threat, meets flowery philosophical thought.

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2 Responses to Anonymous Irony

  1. TheChairman says:

    I haven’t decided if ‘Anonymous’ is a bunch of altruistic progressive geeks/hackers, or another cyber ruse by the CIA, NSA, FBI… a few years ago, Anonymous issued a similar ‘fatwah’ against “those evil right-wing Tea-Party racists” using the same justification.

    • Art Stone says:

      I would assume that most Islamist web sites are honey pots used by governments to identify people who can be recruited by law enforcement to prove they are catching terrorists.

      I posted a comment on the National Post story that immediately drew out a response that – “we” shut down sites that promote hate and violence. Oddly, my copy of the Anonymous statement doesn’t contain the
      * unless we decide we don’t like the message

      Given the nature of the organization, I don’t know how to even judge whether the video represents anything beyond the opinion of the author, if even that.

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