Dennis Miller gets the Cumulus heave-ho

Just two days after Roger Hedgecock sent out the 30 day affiliate notice he’s quitting, Westwood One is shoving Dennis Miller off their talk lineup plank.

So you may be wondering who his replacement will be? Newt Gingrich? Jeb Bush? Pat Buchannon?

Not a chance in hell. Westwood One is replacing him with a Chicago DJ/musician named Jonathon Brandmeier. Johnny B was doing a show when I lived in Chicago in the early 90s – the show was boring and stale then. Like Steve Dahl, his show was mostly narcissistic rambling talking about things that no sane person cares about like the skid marks in his underwear. He most recently was hired by WGN to keep their 80+ year old listeners awake, but failed – and has been amusing himself for the last year by playing “radio on the Internet” listened to by only his mother and Randy Michaels.

Dennis Miller’s advice to Johnny B? “Lotsa luck”

In Chicago itself, Dennis Miller was on Salem Radio’s WIND-AM. The current hosts on WLS-AM from 9-11 CT got the boot. Johnny B will start sometime in March, Dennis Miller’s last day will be March 27th. The Johnny B syndicated show will be two hours (10AM-Noon ET) probably only heard on a handful of Cumulus stations.

Will KLIF-AM in Texas love Johnny B? Not a chance in hell.

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5 Responses to Dennis Miller gets the Cumulus heave-ho

  1. briand75 says:

    Yes – Johnny B was in rare form when I lived in Chicago in the mid-eighties. It was early shock-jock and completely immature, but so was I at the time 🙂 I can’t believe he would have a draw other than some tidbits of retro nostalgia.

    • Art Stone says:

      The second time I worked in Chicago, I lived in Skokie and worked downtown – which meant a minimum of 2 hours/day riding the CTA “el”. That’s where I used to hear Steve & Garry and Johnny B if I got bored with WLS. The main thing I remember about Johnny B was him promoting appearances with his band. He’s about our age – late 50s. Maybe WLS-AM should try some classic hip hop. I hear it’s the next big thing

      So which of these are not like the other – the new lineup
      Johnny B -> Rush Limbaugh -> Steve Dahl -> Michael Savage -> Mark Levin

  2. Art Stone says:

    Probably related was Dennis had an $$11 million house in California that he was stuck with that he finally was able to sell. He still owns another $22 million house across the street. I wonder if he’ll show up in Texas soon.

  3. Art Stone says:

    Robert Feder, the gadfly of Chicago Radio has disclosed that WLS will be dropping Rush. Cumulus has issued a denial.

    All that probably means is the word hasn’t spread yet within Cumulus. If I was Premiere / Clear Channel (Rush’s syndicator) and WIND-AM called up because Cumulus pulled the plug on Dennis Miller – and Rush is now between Johnny B and Steve Dahl – I wouldn’t wait 10 seconds before sending WLS the notice terminating the syndication contract.

    I can’t think of a case where a Robert Feder rumor turned out wrong.

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