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The process should be much more obvious now. There used to be several ways to get where you wanted to go. The most unobvious was here:


The new editing / volunteering model is based on people being responsible for one on two areas of the directory by agreeing to be “czar” of a format or a state. If you did not cooperate, you receive this above inducement. Clicking on Defeat Obama! took you to the volunteer page, since hating Obama seems to be a reason motivating most visitors here.

Now you can apply to be a volunteer from the Account page – a link appears on almost every page. After you click you want to be a volunteer, you will be directed to send an email explaining your intentions and which genre you intend to edit as your first. The default email (if your browser supports mailto: tags) will start as this


And you can obviously remove or add whatever you think I would want to know. Approval is far from automatic. If you don’t state a clear choice of which area you intend to take charge of, rejection is guaranteed. I will not choose for you.

While you are in approval limbo, the “volunteer status” link will offer you to visit the volunteer page in preview mode. There are things to read, and the list of formats and their current condition. If you attempt to open the editor though, you’ll just get a message reminding you to send me an email.


For the old time “testers”, this is not about “testing”. It is about you fixing things, not telling me that something needs fixing. The upper limit on how many stations I think can be done well is around 500. This is not a race. Running through the list as fast as you can and not fixing stuff will get you uninvited very quickly.

You’ll see that the list is almost entirely green, and that’s just my effort (and Brian) since the reset using the new editor. I would appreciate your help and friendship, but don’t need it.

Expect to be challenged on your format choice. For instance, if you choose Rock Music, I want to know the difference between Mainstream Rock, Alternative Rock and Album rock and how to tell them apart. If you want to be in charge of Conservative talk, you need to prove that you know who you believe are “Conservative” hosts and who aren’t and how many a station needs to carry to call the entire station Conservative.

We need to come to common ground and not engage in wars changing things back and forth irritating each other.


The new scanner / editor should be fairly obvious. You wan’t break anything. Just Try it. If you get puzzled about what to do, you have my email address.

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