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"I keep thinking that insanity is a state where a person can't tell what's real. Well, what's real now is insane - and if I accepted it as real, I'd have to lose my mind, wouldn't I?" Eddie Willers ?
Streaming Radio Guide
Parties to FCC application # 1539499
WPXA-DT (Rome, Georgia)
Party IDRolePartyCompany
334847Applicant Ion Media Atlanta License, Inc
601 Clearwater Park Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33401 6233 Search
Email: billwatson@ionmedia.com
Phone: (561) 682-4206 Search
304172Contact Representative John R Feore, Jr.
Dow Lohnes PLLC
1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036 Search
Email: jfeore@dowlohnes.com
Phone: (202) 776-2786 Search
70214Application Certifier 01/25/2013William L Watson
Secretary    Search