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Hillary Clinton served on the WalMart's board of directors from 1986 to 1992, the company which has become the symbol of companies that don't provide adequate health care for its workers. ?
Streaming Radio Guide
Parties to FCC application # 1764692
- (, )
Party IDRolePartyCompany
397681Applicant Sound Indeas, LLC
2334 Broad River Road
Pomaria, SC 29126 Search
Phone: (803) 730-5436 Search
264372Contact Representative John C Trent, Esq
Putbrese Hunsaker & Trent, PC
200 South Church Street
Woodstock, VA 22664 Search
Email: fccman3@shentel.net
Phone: (540) 459-7646 Search
349538Application Certifier 08/16/2017J Stanley Griffin
President    Search