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"I keep thinking that insanity is a state where a person can't tell what's real. Well, what's real now is insane - and if I accepted it as real, I'd have to lose my mind, wouldn't I?" Eddie Willers ?
Streaming Radio Guide
Parties to FCC application # 1804012
KROJ-LPFM (Panorama City, California)
Party IDRolePartyCompany
416691Applicant Ballet Folklorico Ollin
9015 Kester Avenue
Panorama City, CA 91042 Search
Email: verdinollin@yahoo.com
Phone: (818) 516-0780 Search
480285Contact Representative Michael Couzens
Michael Couzens Law Office
Email: cuz@well.com
Phone: (510) 658-7654 Search
406634Application Certifier 04/30/2019Clay Leander
Broadcast Engineering Consultant    Search