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Did you know...
Cuba has a "lower" infant mortality rate than the United States because babies under 1000 grams who die are counted as stillbirths - in the United States doctors will try to save the baby, and about half of those die in the first day ?
Streaming Radio Guide
Parties to FCC application # 1821936
KWWT-DT (Odessa, Texas)
Party IDRolePartyCompany
436832Applicant Winstar Odessa, Inc
41625 Eclectic Suite J1
Palm Desert, CA 92260 Search
Email: jameslprimm@yahoo.com
Phone: (760) 674-8550 Search
450036Contact Representative Davina Sashkin, Esq
Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, PLC
1300 N 17TH Street, 11TH Floor
Arlington, VA 22209 Search
Email: sashkin@fhhlaw.com
Phone: (703) 812-0458 Search
71684Application Certifier 09/30/2020James L Primm
President    Search