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France gets nearly 80% of its electric power from nuclear power plants. ?
Streaming Radio Guide
FCC ownership history for radio station WJUC-FM
(Swanton, Ohio)
FCC ownership history for radio station WJUC-FM (Swanton, Ohio)
Ownership Report BOS20170623AAK - As of 05/25/2017 - Application ID 1759563
Licensee: Fleming Street Communications, Inc - FCC Registration # 0026121533
Fleming Street Communications, Inc
Debra L Hogan
Charles B Welch
Rosalind F Welch
Katrina Welch-Bills
Trina R Lyons
James Wagner%
Ownership Report BOA20110322AAN - As of 11/01/2009 - Application ID 1421394
Licensee: Welch Communications, Inc - FCC Registration # 0007892607
W Charles Welch%
Ownership Report BOA20040528ANY - As of 04/15/2004 - Application ID 989204
Welch Communications, Inc
W Charles Welch