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Streams heard since April 2006:
Streaming Radio Guide
FCC ownership history for radio station WOYS-FM
(Carrabelle, Florida)
FCC ownership history for radio station WOYS-FM (Carrabelle, Florida)
Ownership Report BOA20151013AHT - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1692641
Licensee: East Bay Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0022427520
East Bay Broadcasting Inc
Robert M Allen
Lena M Allen%
Ownership Report BOA20131108ACP - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1579862
Licensee: East Bay Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0022427520
East Bay Broadcasting Inc
Robert M Allen
Lena M Allen%
Ownership Report BOS20130211ACO - As of 02/06/2013 - Application ID 1540904
Licensee: East Bay Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0022427520
East Bay Broadcasting Inc
Robert M Allen
Lena M Allen%
Ownership Report BOA20111019ABZ - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1452514
Licensee: 3G Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0020244877
3G Broadcasting, Inc
Bonnie Gomes
Kenneth Gomes%
Ownership Report BOS20101007AAG - As of 09/30/2010 - Application ID 1402511
Licensee: 3G Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0020244877
3G Broadcasting, Inc
Bonnie Gomes
Kenneth Gomes%
Ownership Report BOA20100120ABE - As of 11/01/2009 - Application ID 1351305
Licensee: Oyster Radio, Inc - FCC Registration # 0016888133
Oyster Radio, Inc
Clair D Plessinger%
Ownership Report BOS20070921ACH - As of 09/04/2007 - Application ID 1203176
Clair D Plessinger, Eastpoint, FL
Oyster Radio, Inc; Eastpoint, FL
Ownership Report BOS20070717ABU - As of 07/06/2007 - Application ID 1194977
Clair D Plessinger, Personal Representative; Eastpoint, FL