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Did you know...
Hillary Clinton served on the WalMart's board of directors from 1986 to 1992, the company which has become the symbol of companies that don't provide adequate health care for its workers. ?
Streaming Radio Guide
FCC ownership history for radio station KOZY-AM
(Grand Rapids, Minnesota)
FCC ownership history for radio station KOZY-AM (Grand Rapids, Minnesota)
Ownership Report BOS20170303AAL - As of 03/03/2017 - Application ID 1752399
Licensee: Lamke Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0021513791
Lamke Broadcasting, Inc
Jim Lamke
Colleen Lamke%
Ownership Report BOR20151001AEF - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1690560
Licensee: Lamke Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0021513791
Lamke Broadcasting, Inc
Jim Lamke
Colleen Lamke%
Ownership Report BOA20131023ABJ - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1576393
Licensee: Lamke Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0021513791
Lamke Broadcasting, Inc
Jim Lamke
Colleen Lamke%
Ownership Report BOS20120221ACX - As of 02/20/2012 - Application ID 1488560
Licensee: Lamke Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0021513791
Lamke Broadcasting, Inc
Jim Lamke
Colleen Lamke%
Ownership Report BOA20111021ACG - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1452951
Licensee: Itasca Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0009984659
Itasca Broadcasting, Inc
Michael Iaizzo deceased
Cynthia Iaizzo%
Ownership Report BOA20100706HDF - As of 11/01/2009 - Application ID 1386359
Licensee: Itasca Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0009984659
Itasca Broadcasting, Inc
Michael Iaizzo
Cynthia Iaizzo%
Ownership Report BOA20061128AIV - As of 11/27/2006 - Application ID 1157086
Michael Iaizzo, 1701 Fraser Drive, Grand Rapids, MN 55744
Cynthia Iaizzo, 1701 Fraser Drive, Grand Rapids,mn 55744
Ownership Report BOA20031208BMM - As of 12/08/2003 - Application ID 710153
Michael Iaizzo, 1701 Fraser Drive, Grand Rapids, MN 55744
Cynthia Iaizzo, 1701 Fraser Drive, Grand Rapids,mn 55744
Ownership Report BOS20020503AAN - As of 05/01/2002 - Application ID 600849
Michael Iaizzo; 1701 Fraser Drive, Grand Rapids, MN 55744
Cynthia Iaizzo; 1701 Fraser Drive, Grand Rapids, MN 55744