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FCC ownership history for radio station WAVD-FM
(Ocean Pines, Maryland)
FCC ownership history for radio station WAVD-FM (Ocean Pines, Maryland)
Ownership Report BOS20170117ADH - As of 01/17/2017 - Application ID 1747662
Licensee: Delmarva Broadcasting Company - FCC Registration # 0002211019
Steinman Stations, Inc
Robert M Krasne
Shane D Zimmerman
Lauren V Frick
Dhara Lalani
Beverly R Steinman
Hale A Krasne
Caroline N Hill
Steinman Communications, Inc%
Ownership Report BOS20170117ACX - As of 01/17/2017 - Application ID 1747651
Licensee: Delmarva Broadcasting Company - FCC Registration # 0002211019
Delmarva Broadcasting Company
Robert M Krasne
Beverly R Steinman
Shane D Zimmerman
Jeffrey K Boden
Michael G Reath
Lauren V Frick
Dhara Lalani
Jennifer E Brant
Hale A Krasne
Caroline N Hill
William H Beakley
Ralph J Martin
Joseph P Truncale
Steinman Stations, Inc%
Ownership Report BOS20170117ADR - As of 01/17/2017 - Application ID 1747075
Licensee: Delmarva Broadcasting Company - FCC Registration # 0002211019
Steinman Communications, Inc
Robert M Krasne
Shane D Zimmerman
Lauren V Frick
Beverly R Steinman
Hale A Krasne
Caroline N Hill
J Hale Steinman Residuary Trust F/b/o Louise S Ansberry
J Hale Steinman Residuary Trust F/b/o Caroline S Nunan
J Hale Steinman Residuary Trust F/b/o Beverly R Steinman
Diane A Rahardja
Louise N Taylor
William D Beakley%
Ownership Report BOA20151130DDN - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1706189
Licensee: Delmarva Broadcasting Company - FCC Registration # 0002211019
Steinman Stations, Inc
Lauren V Frick
Beverly R Steinman
Robert M Krasne
Kimberly Roerig
Nancy D Fisher
Caroline N Hill
Hale A Krasne
Shane Zimmerman
Diane A Rahardja
Louise N Taylor
J Hale Steinman Residuary Trust F/b/o Louise S Ansberry
J Hale Steinman Residuary Trust F/b/o Caroline S Nunan
J Hale Steinman Residuary Trust F/b/o Beverly R Steinman%
Ownership Report BOA20151130DBI - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1706105
Licensee: Delmarva Broadcasting Company - FCC Registration # 0002211019
Delmarva Broadcasting Company
Jeffrey K Boden
Beverly R Steinman
Robert M Krasne
Nancy D Fisher
Lauren V Frick
Michael G Reath
Hale A Krasne
Caroline N Hill
Shane Zimmerman
Kimberly Roerig
William H Beakley
Steinman Stations, Inc%
Ownership Report BOA20131220FAC - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1612426
Licensee: Delmarva Broadcasting Company - FCC Registration # 0002211019
Steinman Stations, Inc
Julian H Booker
Beverly R Steinman
Robert M Krasne
Wesley S Lewis
Nancy D Fisher
Caroline N Hill
Hale A Krasne
Shane Zimmerman
Diane A Rahardja
Louise N Taylor
J Hale Steinman Residuary Trust F/b/o Louise S Ansberry
J Hale Steinman Residuary Trust F/b/o Caroline S Nunan
J Hale Steinman Residuary Trust F/b/o Beverly R Steinman%
Ownership Report BOA20131220EXK - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1612059
Licensee: Delmarva Broadcasting Company - FCC Registration # 0002211019
Delmarva Broadcasting Company
Julian H Booker
Beverly R Steinman
Robert M Krasne
Nancy D Fisher
Wesley S Lewis
Michael G Reath
Hale A Krasne
Caroline N Hill
Shane Zimmerman
Steinman Stations, Inc%
Ownership Report BOA20111128GWO - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1456854
Licensee: Delmarva Broadcasting Company - FCC Registration # 0002211019
Steinman Stations, Inc
Julian H Booker
Dennis A Getz
Wesley S Lewis
Nancy D Fisher
Caroline N Hill
Hale A Krasne
Harold E Miller, Jr.
Beverly R Steinman
John O Shirk
Louise N Taylor
J Hale Steinman Residuary Trust F/b/o Louise S Ansberry
J Hale Steinman Residuary Trust F/b/o Caroline S Nunan
J Hale Steinman Residuary Trust F/b/o Beverly R Steinman%
Ownership Report BOA20111128GVY - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1456652
Licensee: Delmarva Broadcasting Company - FCC Registration # 0002211019
Delmarva Broadcasting Company
Julian H Booker
Dennis A Getz
Wesley S Lewis
Nancy D Fisher
Cynthia L Morgan
Caroline N Hill
Hale A Krasne
Harold E Miller, Jr.
Beverly R Steinman
John O Shirk
Steinman Stations, Inc%