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FCC ownership history for radio station WBRP-FM
(Baker, Louisiana)
FCC ownership history for radio station WBRP-FM (Baker, Louisiana)
Ownership Report BOS20171003ACB - As of 08/15/2017 - Application ID 1761624
Fourth Generation Foster Interests, LLC
Fae Adair Foster
Flynn D Foster
Fran Elizabeth Foster Aslam
Camren Foster Aslam Trust No 2 fran Foster Aslam, Trustee
Miriam Naseem Aslam Trust No 2 fran Foster Aslam, Trustee
Landon Douglas Foster Trust No 2 flynn D Foster, Trustee
Luke Landry Foster Trust No 2 flynn D Foster, Trustee
Hayes Andrew Hofman Trust No 2 fae Adair Foster, Trustee
Savannah Adair Hofman Trust No 2 fae Adair Foster, Trustee%
Ownership Report BOS20171003ABW - As of 08/15/2017 - Application ID 1761618
Guaranty-Foster Heritage, LLC
Fae Adair Foster
Flynn D Foster
Felisha D Foster
Fran Elizabeth Foster Aslam%
Ownership Report BOS20171003ABN - As of 08/15/2017 - Application ID 1761609
Guaranty Corporation
Guaranty Foster-Heritage, LLC
Forrest E Mills, Jr.
Flynn D Foster
Fourth Generation Foster Interests, LLC
A Bridger Eglin
Fran Elizabeth Foster Aslam
Ben R Ogletree
Marjorie Malone Beakey
James Clinton Beakey, Jr.
Ashley Susan Beakey
Leigh Beakey Wilcoxson
Mary Margaret Beakey Chavez
Franee Scallan
Michael C Ellis
Matt Purser
Ann Mengelson-Clark%
Ownership Report BOS20171003ABI - As of 08/15/2017 - Application ID 1761601
Guaranty Communications, LLC
Guaranty Corporation
Forrest E Mills, Jr.
Flynn D Foster
Gordon Rush Iii%
Ownership Report BOS20171003ABD - As of 08/15/2017 - Application ID 1761599
Guaranty Media Ventures, LLC
Guaranty Communications, LLC
Forrest E Mills, Jr.
Flynn D Foster
Gordon Rush Iii%
Ownership Report BOS20171003AAT - As of 08/15/2017 - Application ID 1761592
Guaranty Broadcasting Company, LLC
Guaranty Media Ventures, LLC
Forrest E Mills, Jr.
Flynn D Foster
Gordon Rush Iii%
Ownership Report BOS20171003AAY - As of 08/15/2017 - Application ID 1761569
Guaranty Broadcasting Company Of Baton Rouge, LLC
Guaranty Broadcasting Company, LLC
Forrest E Mills, Jr.
Flynn D Foster
Gordon Rush Iii%
Ownership Report BOA20151120BAE - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1704565
Guaranty-Foster Heritage, LLC
Fran Elizabeth Foster Aslam
Fae Adair Foster Hofman
Flynn D Foster
Felisha Darlene Foster%
Ownership Report BOA20151120AXW - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1704527
Guaranty Broadcasting Company, LLC
George A Foster, Jr.
Forrest E Mills, Jr.
Flynn D Foster
Gordon Rush, III
Guaranty Media Ventures, LLC%
Ownership Report BOA20151120AZO - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1689461
Guaranty Corporation
George A Foster, Jr.
Forrest E Mills, Jr.
Flynn D Foster
A Bridger Eglin
Fran Elizabeth Foster Aslam
Ben R Ogletree
Marjorie Malone Beakey
James Clinton Beakey, Jr.
Guaranty - Foster Heritage, LLC
Ashley Susan Beakey
Leigh Beakey Wilcoxson
Mary Margaret Beakey Chavez
Franee Scallan
Michael C Ellis
Matt Purser
Ann Mengelson-Clark
Fae Adair Foster Hofman
Felisha Darlene Foster%
Ownership Report BOA20151120AYD - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1689455
Guaranty Media Ventures, LLC
George A Foster, Jr.
Forrest E Mills, Jr.
Flynn D Foster
Gordon Rush, III
Guaranty Corporation%
Ownership Report BOA20151120AWJ - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1689422
Guaranty Broadcasting Company Of Baton Rouge, LLC
George A Foster, Jr.
Forrest E Mills, Jr.
Flynn D Foster
Gordon Rush, III
Guaranty Broadcasting Company, LLC%
Ownership Report BOA20131219BTT - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1604404
Guaranty-Foster Heritage, LLC
Fran E Foster
Flynn D Foster
Fae A Foster
Felisha D Foster%
Ownership Report BOA20131219BOA - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1604396
Guaranty Media Ventures, LLC
George A Foster, Jr.
Forrest Mills
Flynn D Foster
Glenda P Caillouet
Gordon Rush, III
Guaranty Corporation%
Ownership Report BOA20131219BPG - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1604381
Guaranty Broadcasting Company Of Baton Rouge, LLC
George A Foster, Jr.
Forrest Mills
Guaranty Broadcasting Company, LLC
Flynn D Foster
Gordon Rush, III%
Ownership Report BOA20131219BOP - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1604378
Guaranty Broadcasting Company, LLC
George A Foster, Jr.
Forrest Mills
Guaranty Media Ventures, LLC
Flynn D Foster
Gordon Rush, III%
Ownership Report BOA20131219BSL - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1604353
Guaranty Corporation
George A Foster, Jr.
A Bridger Eglin
Forrest Mills
Fran E Foster
Ben R Ogletree
Marjorie M Beakey
Estate Of Marjorie F Malone, Marjorie M Beakey, Executor
James Clint Beakey, Jr.
Flynn D Foster
Estate Of Thomas E Gibbens, Ana Gibbens Freeman Executrix
Michael C Ellis
Guaranty-Foster Heritage, LLC
Franee Scallan
Glenda P Caillouet
Ann Mengelson-Clark%
Ownership Report BOS20130529AGL - As of 05/29/2013 - Application ID 1552318
Guaranty-Foster Heritage, LLC
Fran E Foster
Flynn D Foster
Fae A Foster
Felisha D Foster%
Ownership Report BOS20130225ACL - As of 02/25/2013 - Application ID 1540877
Guaranty Broadcasting Company Of Baton Rouge, LLC
George A Foster, Jr.
Forrest Mills
Guaranty Broadcasting Company, LLC
Flynn D Foster%
Ownership Report BOS20130529AGF - As of 05/29/2013 - Application ID 1540874
Guaranty Corporation
George A Foster, Jr.
A Bridger Eglin
Forrest Mills
Fran E Foster
Ben R Ogletree
Marjorie M Beakey
Estate Of Marjorie F Malone, Marjorie M Beakey, Executor
James Clint Beakey, Jr.
Flynn D Foster
Estate Of Thomas E Gibbens, Ana Gibbens Freeman Executrix
Michael C Ellis
Guaranty-Foster Heritage, LLC%
Ownership Report BOS20130225ACV - As of 02/25/2013 - Application ID 1540431
Guaranty Media Ventures, LLC
George A Foster, Jr.
Forrest Mills
Guaranty Corporation
Flynn D Foster%
Ownership Report BOS20130225ACQ - As of 02/25/2013 - Application ID 1540428
Guaranty Broadcasting Company, LLC
George A Foster, Jr.
Forrest Mills
Guaranty Media Ventures, LLC
Flynn D Foster%
Ownership Report BOA20111201QTM - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1476243
Guaranty Corporation
George A Foster, Jr.
A Bridger Eglin
Forrest Mills
Fran E Foster
Ben R Ogletree
Marjorie M Beakey
Frances Wicker
Estate Of Marjorie F Malone, Marjorie M Beakey, Executor
James Clint Beakey, Jr.
Flynn D Foster
Thomas E Gibbens
Michael C Ellis%
Ownership Report BOA20111201QSX - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1476218
Guaranty Broadcasting Company, LLC
George A Foster, Jr.
Forrest Mills
Guaranty Corporation
Flynn D Foster%
Ownership Report BOA20111201QSP - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1476143
Guaranty Broadcasting Company Of Baton Rouge, LLC
Guaranty Broadcasting Company, LLC
George A Foster, Jr.
Forrest Mills
Flynn D Foster%