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Silicon Breast Implants do not cause autoimmune disease ?
Streaming Radio Guide
FCC ownership history for radio station KTGO-AM
(Tioga, North Dakota)
FCC ownership history for radio station KTGO-AM (Tioga, North Dakota)
Ownership Report BOA20131220EVK - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1613587
Licensee: Bakken Beacon Media, LLC - FCC Registration # 0021483227
Bakken Beacon Media, LLC
Gary Emineth
Scott J Hennen
Eugene Graner
Fred And Joyce Evans
Greg Butler
Walter & Donna Grotte%
Ownership Report BOS20121114AGG - As of 11/01/2012 - Application ID 1521938
Licensee: Bakken Beacon Media, LLC - FCC Registration # 0021483227
Bakken Beacon Media, LLC
Gary Emineth
Scott J Hennen%