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Streams heard since April 2006:
Streaming Radio Guide
FCC ownership history for radio station KHGG-FM
(Mansfield, Arkansas)
FCC ownership history for radio station KHGG-FM (Mansfield, Arkansas)
Ownership Report BOA20151020AIQ - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1691791
Licensee: Pharis Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003765443
Pharis Broadcasting, Inc
William L Pharis
Karen A Pharis%
Ownership Report BOA20131029ACL - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1582728
Licensee: Pharis Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003765443
Pharis Broadcasting, Inc
William L Pharis
Karen A Pharis%
Ownership Report BOR20111013AFB - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1450302
Licensee: Pharis Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003765443
Pharis Broadcasting, Inc
William L Pharis
Karen A Pharis%
Ownership Report BOA20091214ADT - As of 11/01/2009 - Application ID 1347339
Licensee: Pharis Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003765443
Pharis Broadcasting, Inc
William L Pharis
Karen A Pharis%
Ownership Report BOA20080123ADI - As of 01/15/2008 - Application ID 1228606
William L Pharis, P O Box 908, Fort Smith, Ar 72902
Karen A Pharis, P O Box 908, Fort Smith, Ar 72902