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FCC ownership history for radio station WMSK-FM
(Sturgis, Kentucky)
FCC ownership history for radio station WMSK-FM (Sturgis, Kentucky)
Ownership Report BOA20151125ACU - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1699051
Licensee: Henson Media, Inc - FCC Registration # 0011313533
Henson Media, Inc
C Edward Henson, Jr. %
Ownership Report BOA20131108ABT - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1587440
Licensee: Henson Media, Inc - FCC Registration # 0011313533
Henson Media, Inc
C Edward Henson, Jr. %
Ownership Report BOA20111114BUL - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1461692
Licensee: Henson Media, Inc - FCC Registration # 0011313533
Henson Media, Inc
Clarance Edward Henson, Jr. %
Ownership Report BOA20091228ACV - As of 11/01/2009 - Application ID 1351294
Licensee: Henson Media, Inc - FCC Registration # 0011313533
Henson Media, Inc
Clarance Edward Henson, Jr. %
Ownership Report BOA20080320AAS - As of 03/17/2008 - Application ID 1238632
Henson Media, Inc, 427 Starks Building, 455 South 4TH Avenue, Louisville, Ky 40202-2508
Clarance Edward Henson JR, C/O Henson Media, Inc, 427 Starks Building, 455 South 4TH Avenue, Louisville, Ky 40202-2508
Ownership Report BOS20071009ALI - As of 09/11/2007 - Application ID 1210875
Henson Media, Inc, 427 Starks Building, 455 South 4TH Avenue, Louisville, Ky 40202-2508
Clarance Edward Henson JR, C/O Henson Media, Inc, 427 Starks Building, 455 South 4TH Avenue, Louisville, Ky 40202-2508
Ownership Report BON20061117AEN - As of 11/17/2006 - Application ID 1160739
Henson Media, Inc, 427 Starks Building, 455 South 4TH Avenue, Louisville, Ky 40202-2508
Clarance Edward Henson JR, C/O Henson Media, Inc, 427 Starks Building, 455 South 4TH Avenue, Louisville, Ky 40202-2508
Ownership Report BOA20060404AEO - As of 04/01/2006 - Application ID 1117842
JB Crawley
John Robinson
Ownership Report BON20041014AEV - As of 03/20/2004 - Application ID 1019421
JB Crawley
John Robinson
Ownership Report BOA20030325AAD - As of 03/20/2003 - Application ID 652978
J B Crawley
Elizabeth Crawley