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FCC ownership history for radio station WLFP-FM
(Memphis, Tennessee)
FCC ownership history for radio station WLFP-FM (Memphis, Tennessee)
Ownership Report BOS20170307AGE - As of 01/31/2017 - Application ID 1752566
Licensee: Entercom License, LLC - FCC Registration # 0004434866
Entercom Radio, LLC
David J Field
Stephen F Fisher
Andrew P Sutor, Iv
Michael E Dash, Jr.
Eugene D Levin
Louise C Kramer
Deborah Kane
Michael Doyle
Patrick McGuigan
Nora McCormack
Timothy Murphy
Patrick Cunnane
Christopher Pimental
Amy Farley Prophet
John Graefe
Geoff Spencer
Jenny Nelson
Kim Reis
Liana Huth
Ruth Gaviria
Entercom Communications Corp%
Ownership Report BOS20170307AKB - As of 01/31/2017 - Application ID 1752559
Licensee: Entercom License, LLC - FCC Registration # 0004434866
Entercom Communications Corp
David J Field
Stephen F Fisher
Andrew P Sutor, Iv
Michael E Dash, Jr.
Eugene D Levin
Louise C Kramer
Joseph M Field
David J Berkman
Joel Hollander
Mark Laneve
David Levy%
Ownership Report BOS20170307ACH - As of 01/31/2017 - Application ID 1750626
Licensee: Entercom License, LLC - FCC Registration # 0004434866
Entercom License, LLC
David J Field
Stephen F Fisher
Andrew P Sutor, Iv
Eugene D Levin
Michael E Dash, Jr.
Louise C Kramer
Entercom Radio, LLC%
Ownership Report BOS20151222BCO - As of 11/30/2015 - Application ID 1715300
Licensee: Entercom License, LLC - FCC Registration # 0004434866
Entercom Communications Corp
David J Field
Stephen F Fisher
Andrew P Sutor, Iv
Michael E Dash, Jr.
Eugene D Levin
Louise C Kramer
Joseph M Field
David J Berkman
Joel Hollander
Mark Laneve
David Levy%
Ownership Report BOS20151222AYV - As of 11/30/2015 - Application ID 1715298
Licensee: Entercom License, LLC - FCC Registration # 0004434866
Entercom Radio, LLC
David J Field
Stephen F Fisher
Andrew P Sutor, Iv
Michael E Dash, Jr.
Eugene D Levin
Louise C Kramer
Deborah Kane
Michael Doyle
Patrick McGuigan
Nora McCormack
Timothy Murphy
Patrick Cunnane
Christopher Pimental
Amy Farley Prophet
John Graefe
Geoff Spencer
Carlos Lamadrid
Jenny Nelson
Entercom Communications Corp%
Ownership Report BOS20151222AVC - As of 11/30/2015 - Application ID 1715045
Licensee: Entercom License, LLC - FCC Registration # 0004434866
Entercom License, LLC
David J Field
Stephen F Fisher
Andrew P Sutor, Iv
Eugene D Levin
Michael E Dash, Jr.
Entercom Radio, LLC%
Ownership Report BOA20151103AMB - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1696480
Licensee: Entercom License, LLC - FCC Registration # 0004434866
Entercom Communications Corp
David J Field
Stephen F Fisher
Andrew P Sutor, Iv
Michael E Dash, Jr.
Eugene D Levin
Louise C Kramer
Joseph M Field
David J Berkman
Joel Hollander
Mark Laneve
David Levy%
Ownership Report BOA20151103AII - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1696442
Licensee: Entercom License, LLC - FCC Registration # 0004434866
Entercom Radio, LLC
David J Field
Stephen F Fisher
Andrew P Sutor, Iv
Michael E Dash, Jr.
Eugene D Levin
Louise C Kramer
Deborah Kane
Michael Doyle
Patrick McGuigan
Nora McCormack
Timothy Murphy
Patrick Cunnane
Christopher Pimental
Amy Farley Prophet
Joseph Schembri
John Graefe
Geoff Spencer
Carlos Lamadrid
Jenny Nelson
Entercom Communications Corp%
Ownership Report BOA20151103ADX - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1696379
Licensee: Entercom License, LLC - FCC Registration # 0004434866
Entercom License, LLC
David J Field
Stephen F Fisher
Andrew P Sutor, Iv
Michael E Dash, Jr.
Entercom Radio, LLC
Eugene D Levin%