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FCC ownership history for radio station WDLC-AM
(Port Jervis, New York)
FCC ownership history for radio station WDLC-AM (Port Jervis, New York)
Ownership Report BOA20151130AMH - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1707472
Licensee: Neversink Radio, LLC - FCC Registration # 0021624432
Neversink Radio, LLC
Charles Williamson
Matthew Williamson Irrevocable Trust%
Ownership Report BOA20131218ELM - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1607391
Licensee: Neversink Radio, LLC - FCC Registration # 0021624432
Neversink Radio, LLC
Charles Williamson
Matthew Williamson Irrevocable Trust%
Ownership Report BOS20120525AFP - As of 05/25/2012 - Application ID 1499754
Licensee: Neversink Radio, LLC - FCC Registration # 0021624432
Neversink Radio, LLC
Charles Williamson
Matthew Williamson Irrevocable Trust%
Ownership Report BOS20120127ADF - As of 12/21/2011 - Application ID 1484561
Licensee: Neversink Broadcasting Company, LLC - FCC Registration # 0021361670
Morley Broadcasting Company, LLC
James T Morley%
Ownership Report BOS20120127ADH - As of 12/21/2011 - Application ID 1484559
Licensee: Neversink Broadcasting Company, LLC - FCC Registration # 0021361670
Edgewater Associates, LLC
Richard Ferguson%
Ownership Report BOS20120127ADB - As of 12/21/2011 - Application ID 1484550
Licensee: Neversink Broadcasting Company, LLC - FCC Registration # 0021361670
Neversink Broadcasting Company, LLC
Morley Broadcasting Company, LLC
Edgewater Associates, LLC%
Ownership Report BOA20111122DTP - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1458385
Licensee: PJ Radio, LLC - FCC Registration # 0017622762
Cox Radio, Inc
Neil O Johnston
Douglas E Franklin
Marc W Morgan
Charles L Odom
Richard A Reis
Richard J Jacobson
J Scott Smith
Robert Willoughby
Brian G Elam
Susan Larkin
Debbie Morel
Maria L Friedman
John Shea
Stephen A Sinicropi
Charles N Bowen
Shauna S Muhl
Gene Vidler
Kristin Okesson
Donna B Hall
David R Dubose
William J Hendrich
Wendi Power
Daniel P Kearney
Cody L Partin
Michael W Kelly
Mark Krieschen
Keith Lawless
Daniel Lawrie
Raymond H Nelson
Jerry J Rushin
Todd Schumacher
Cox Media Group, Inc%
Ownership Report BOA20111021ADZ - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1451390
Licensee: PJ Radio, LLC - FCC Registration # 0017622762
Morley Broadcasting Company, LLC
James T Morley%
Ownership Report BOA20111019AJD - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1451362
Licensee: PJ Radio, LLC - FCC Registration # 0017622762
PJ Radio, LLC
Morley Broadcasting Company, LLC
Cox Radio, Inc%
Ownership Report BOA20100707DFG - As of 11/01/2009 - Application ID 1373358
Licensee: PJ Radio, LLC - FCC Registration # 0017622762
Morley Broadcasting Company, LLC
James T Morley%
Ownership Report BOA20100707DMK - As of 11/01/2009 - Application ID 1373288
Licensee: PJ Radio, LLC - FCC Registration # 0017622762
PJ Radio, LLC
Morley Broadcasting Company, LLC%
Ownership Report BOA20080401AYV - As of 03/25/2008 - Application ID 1240048
PJ Radio, LLC, Newton, Connecticut
Morley Broadcasting Company, LLC, Newton, Connecticut
Ownership Report BOA20080401AZC - As of 03/25/2008 - Application ID 1240044
Morley Broadcasting Company, LLC, Newton, Connecticut
James T Morley, Newton, Connecticut
Ownership Report BOA20060130APJ - As of 01/30/2006 - Application ID 1107762
Morley Broadcasting Company, LLC, Newton, Connecticut
James T Morley, Newton, Connecticut
Ownership Report BOA20060130AOT - As of 01/30/2006 - Application ID 1107760
PJ Radio, LLC, Newton, Connecticut
Morley Broadcasting Company, LLC, Newton, Connecticut
Ownership Report BOS20051121AJW - As of 11/01/2005 - Application ID 1098795
Morley Broadcasting Company, LLC, Newton, Connecticut
James T Morley, Newton, Connecticut
Ownership Report BOS20051121AJR - As of 11/01/2005 - Application ID 1098788
PJ Radio, LLC, Newton, Connecticut
Morley Broadcasting Company, LLC, Newton, Connecticut
Ownership Report BOA20030129AFK - As of 01/29/2003 - Application ID 624755
Ownership Report BOA20010301ACJ - As of 02/28/2001 - Application ID 560940
Robert I Wein ,117 East Main Street,port Jervis, Ny 12771
Eileen Chaleff-Wein, 117 East Main Street, Port Jervis, Ny 12771