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FCC ownership history for radio station WHKW-AM
(Cleveland, Ohio)
FCC ownership history for radio station WHKW-AM (Cleveland, Ohio)
Ownership Report BOS20161122ACY - As of 10/31/2016 - Application ID 1745133
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Salem Communications Holding Corporation
Salem Media Group, Inc
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David Ar Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
Eric H Halvorson
Roland S Hinz
James Keet Lewis
Richard A Riddle
Jonathan Venverloh
Edward C Atsinger
Stuart W Epperson, Jr. %
Ownership Report BOS20161122AEI - As of 10/31/2016 - Application ID 1745106
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Salem Media Group, Inc
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David Ar Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
Eric H Halvorson
Roland S Hinz
James Keet Lewis
Richard A Riddle
Jonathan Venverloh
Edward C Atsinger
Stuart W Epperson, Jr.
Atsinger Family Trust, Edward G Atsinger Iii As Trustee
Nancy A Epperson
Epperson Children Trusts 4 Epperson Children Are Voting Trustees Of These 4 Trusts And Stuart W Epperson As Trustee For All Other Purposes
Ted Atsinger Irrevocable Trust, Edward C Atsinger As Voting Trustee And Edward G Atsinger Iii As Trustee For All Other Purposes%
Ownership Report BOS20161122ADQ - As of 10/31/2016 - Application ID 1745091
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Caron Broadcasting, Inc
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger,iii
David P Santrella
David Ar Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
Salem Communications Holding Corporation%
Ownership Report BOS20151223BTZ - As of 12/21/2015 - Application ID 1715982
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Salem Media Group, Inc
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
Eric H Halvorson
Roland S Hinz
James Keet Lewis
Richard A Riddle
Jonathan Venverloh
Atsinger Family Trust, Edward G Atsinger Iii As Trustee
Nancy A Epperson
Epperson Children Trusts 4 Epperson Children Are Voting Trustees Of These 4 Trusts And Stuart W Epperson As Trustee For All Other Purposes
Ted Atsinger Irrevocable Trust, Ted Atsinger As Voting Trustee And Edward G Atsinger Iii As Trustee For All Other Purposes%
Ownership Report BOS20151223BTI - As of 12/21/2015 - Application ID 1715980
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Salem Communications Holding Corporation
Salem Media Group, Inc
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
Eric H Halvorson
Roland S Hinz
James Keet Lewis
Richard A Riddle
Jonathan Venverloh%
Ownership Report BOS20151223BSR - As of 12/21/2015 - Application ID 1715978
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Caron Broadcasting, Inc
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
Salem Communications Holding Corporation%
Ownership Report BOA20151119BEM - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1696045
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Salem Media Group, Inc
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
Eric H Halvorson
Roland S Hinz
Richard A Riddle
Jonathan Venverloh
James Keet Lewis
Nancy A Epperson
Atsinger Family Trust, Edward G Atsinger Iii As Trustee
Ted Atsinger Irrevocable Trust, Ted Atsinger As Voting Trustee And Edward G Atsinger Iii As Trustee For All Other Purposes
Epperson Children Trusts 4 Epperson Children Are Voting Trustees Of These 4 Trusts And Stuart W Epperson As Trustee For All Other Purposes%
Ownership Report BOA20151119BWE - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1696019
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Salem Communications Holding Corporation
Salem Media Group, Inc
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
Eric H Halvorson
Roland S Hinz
Richard A Riddle
Jonathan Venverloh
James Keet Lewis%
Ownership Report BOA20151119AUU - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1695546
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Caron Broadcasting, Inc
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
Stuart W Epperson
Salem Communications Holding Corporation%
Ownership Report BOS20150116AFZ - As of 01/05/2015 - Application ID 1668239
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Salem Communications Corporation
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
David Davenport
Roland S Hinz
James Keet Lewis
Richard A Riddle
Jonathan Venverloh
Edward G Atsinger Iii Trust, Edward G Atsinger Iii As Trustee
Nancy A Epperson
Epperson Children Trusts 4 Epperson Children Are Voting Trustees Of These 4 Trusts And Stuart W Epperson As Trustee For All Other Purposes%
Ownership Report BOS20150116AFJ - As of 01/05/2015 - Application ID 1668225
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Salem Communications Holding Corporation
Salem Communications Corporation
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
David Davenport
Roland S Hinz
James Keet Lewis
Richard A Riddle
Jonathan Venverloh%
Ownership Report BOS20150116AET - As of 01/05/2015 - Application ID 1668212
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Caron Broadcasting, Inc
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
Salem Communications Holding Corporation%
Ownership Report BOS20140605AEW - As of 06/02/2014 - Application ID 1640338
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Salem Communications Corporation
Edward G Atsinger Iii Trust, Edward G Atsinger Iii As Trustee
Ted Atsinger Irrevocable Trust, Ted Atsinger As Voting Trustee And Edward G Atsinger Iii As Trustee For All Other Purposes
Epperson Children Trusts 4 Epperson Children Are Voting Trustees Of These 4 Trusts And Stuart W Epperson As Trustee For All Other Purposes
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
David Davenport
Roland S Hinz
Richard A Riddle
Jonathan Venverloh
Francis W Wright
Greg Anderson
James Keet Lewis
Nancy A Epperson%
Ownership Report BOS20140605AGA - As of 06/02/2014 - Application ID 1640334
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Salem Communications Holding Corporation
Salem Communications Corporation
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
David Davenport
Roland S Hinz
Richard A Riddle
Jonathan Venverloh
Francis W Wright
Greg R Anderson
James Keet Lewis%
Ownership Report BOS20140605AFL - As of 06/02/2014 - Application ID 1640254
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Caron Broadcasting, Inc
Salem Communications Holding Corporation
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
Greg R Anderson
Francis W Wright%
Ownership Report BOA20131218FCS - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1584808
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Caron Broadcasting, Inc
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
Greg R Anderson
Stuart W Epperson
Salem Communications Holding Corporation%
Ownership Report BOA20131219DMT - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1584696
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Salem Communications Holding Corporation
Salem Communications Corporation
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
David Davenport
Roland S Hinz
Richard A Riddle
Jonathan Venverloh
Francis W Wright
Greg R Anderson%
Ownership Report BOA20131219DUN - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1584515
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Salem Communications Corporation
Edward G Atsinger Iii Trust, Edward G Atsinger Iii As Trustee
Ted Atsinger Irrevocable Trust, Ted Atsinger As Voting Trustee And Edward G Atsinger Iii As Trustee For All Other Purposes
Epperson Children Trusts 4 Epperson Children Are Voting Trustees Of These 4 Trusts And Stuart W Epperson As Trustee For All Other Purposes
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
David Davenport
Roland S Hinz
Richard A Riddle
Jonathan Venverloh
Francis W Wright
Nancy A Epperson
Greg R Anderson%
Ownership Report BOS20130306ADB - As of 02/25/2013 - Application ID 1544253
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Salem Communications Corporation
Edward G Atsinger Iii Trust, Edward G Atsinger Iii As Trustee
Ted Atsinger Irrevocable Trust, Ted Atsinger As Voting Trustee And Edward G Atsinger Iii As Trustee For All Other Purposes
Epperson Children Trusts 4 Epperson Children Are Voting Trustees Of These 4 Trusts And Stuart W Epperson As Trustee For All Other Purposes
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
David Davenport
Roland S Hinz
Richard A Riddle
Jonathan Venverloh
Dennis M Weinberg
Nancy A Epperson
Greg R Anderson
Francis W Wright
Atsinger Family Trust, Edward G Atsinger Iii As Trustee
Atsinger 1999 Charitable Remainder Trust, Edward G Atsinger Iii As Trustee%
Ownership Report BOS20130306ACO - As of 02/25/2013 - Application ID 1544250
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Salem Communications Holding Corporation
Salem Communications Corporation
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
David Davenport
Roland S Hinz
Richard A Riddle
Jonathan Venverloh
Dennis M Weinberg
Greg R Anderson
Francis W Wright%
Ownership Report BOS20130306ACA - As of 02/25/2013 - Application ID 1544080
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Caron Broadcasting, Inc
Salem Communications Holding Corporation
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
Greg R Anderson%
Ownership Report BOA20111201PWF - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1485039
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Salem Communications Corporation
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
David Davenport
Roland S Hinz
Richard A Riddle
Jonathan Venverloh
Dennis M Weinberg
Nancy A Epperson
Edward G Atsinger Iii Trust, Edward G Atsinger Iii As Trustee
Ted Atsinger Irrevocable Trust, Ted Atsinger As Voting Trustee And Edward G Atsinger Iii As Trustee For All Other Purposes
Epperson Children Trusts 4 Epperson Children Are Voting Trustees Of These 4 Trusts And Stuart W Epperson As Trustee For All Other Purposes
Greg R Anderson%
Ownership Report BOA20111201PWF - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1466063
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Salem Communications Corporation
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
David Davenport
Roland S Hinz
Richard A Riddle
Jonathan Venverloh
Dennis M Weinberg
Nancy A Epperson
Edward G Atsinger Iii Trust, Edward G Atsinger Iii As Trustee
Ted Atsinger Irrevocable Trust, Ted Atsinger As Voting Trustee And Edward G Atsinger Iii As Trustee For All Other Purposes
Epperson Children Trusts 4 Epperson Children Are Voting Trustees Of These 4 Trusts And Stuart W Epperson As Trustee For All Other Purposes
Greg R Anderson%
Ownership Report BOA20111201PUS - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1465265
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Salem Communications Holding Corporation
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
David Davenport
Roland S Hinz
Richard A Riddle
Jonathan Venverloh
Dennis M Weinberg
Salem Communications Corporation
Greg R Anderson%
Ownership Report BOA20111201OID - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1462030
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Caron Broadcasting, Inc
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
David P Santrella
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
Salem Communications Holding Corporation
Greg R Anderson%
Ownership Report BOA20100709ABR - As of 11/01/2009 - Application ID 1389067
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Salem Communications Corporation
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
Joe D Davis
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
David Davenport
Roland S Hinz
Richard A Riddle
Paul Pressler
Dennis M Weinberg
Nancy A Epperson
Edward G Atsinger Iii Trust, Edward G Atsinger Iii As Trustee
Ted Atsinger Irrevocable Trust, Ted Atsinger As Voting Trustee And Edward G Atsinger Iii As Trustee For All Other Purposes
Epperson Children Trusts 4 Epperson Children Are Voting Trustees Of These 4 Trusts And Stuart W Epperson As Trustee For All Other Purposes
The Epperson Family 2003 Trust, Stuart W Epperson And Nancy A Epperson As Trustees%
Ownership Report BOA20100708UCE - As of 11/01/2009 - Application ID 1387683
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Salem Communications Holding Corporation
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
Joe D Davis
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
David Davenport
Roland S Hinz
Richard A Riddle
Paul Pressler
Dennis M Weinberg
Salem Communications Corporation%
Ownership Report BOA20100708OIQ - As of 11/01/2009 - Application ID 1384537
Licensee: Caron Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003760352
Caron Broadcasting, Inc
Stuart W Epperson
Edward G Atsinger, III
Joe D Davis
David A R Evans
Evan D Masyr
Christopher J Henderson
Salem Communications Holding Corporation%
Ownership Report BOA20080530AIH - As of 05/22/2008 - Application ID 1244969
Caron Broadcasting, Inc, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Stuart W Epperson, 3780 Will Scarlet Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27104
Edward G Atsinger Iii, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Eric H Halvorson, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Joe D Davis, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
David Ar Evans, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Evan D Masyr, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Christopher J Henderson, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Salem Communications Holding Corporation, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Ownership Report BOA20060530ALO - As of 05/30/2006 - Application ID 1130830
Caron Broadcasting, Inc, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Stuart W Epperson, 3780 Will Scarlet Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27104
Edward G Atsinger Iii, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Joe D Davis, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
David Ar Evans, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Eileen E Hill, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Evan D Masyr, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Jonathan L Block, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Salem Communications Holding Corporation, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Ownership Report BON20040528AUX - As of 05/27/2004 - Application ID 994438
Sca License Corporation, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Stuart W Epperson, 3780 Will Scarlet Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27104
Edward G Atsinger Iii, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
David Ar Evans, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Joe D Davis, 777 Terrace Avenue, 6TH Floor, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604
Robert C Adair, 1601 Medical Center Drive, Suite 9, Edmond, Ok 73034
Russell R Hauth, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Eileen E Hill, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Jonathan L Block, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Salem Communications Acquisition Corporation, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Ownership Report BOS20040430AFS - As of 04/28/2004 - Application ID 990848
Edward G Atsinger Iii, 4880 Santa Rosa RD, Suite 300, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Stuart W Epperson, 3780 Will Scarlet Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27104
Jonathan L Block, 4880 Santa Rosa RD Suite 300, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Joe D Davis, 777 Terrace Ave 6TH Floor, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604
David Ar Evans, 4880 Santa Rosa RD Suite 300, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Eileen E Hill 4880 Santa Rosa RD Suite 300, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Robert C Adair, 1601 Medical Center Drive, 6TH Floor, Edmond, Ok 73034
Russell R Hauth , 4880 Santa Rosa RD Suite 300, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Salem Communications Corporation, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Suite 300, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Salem Communications Acquisition Corporation, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Suite 300, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Ownership Report BOS20040430AFJ - As of 04/28/2004 - Application ID 990825
Edward G Atsinger Iii, 4880 Santa Rosa RD, Suite 300, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Stuart W Epperson, 3780 Will Scarlet Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27104
Jonathan L Block, 4880 Santa Rosa RD Suite 300, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Joe D Davis, 777 Terrace Ave 6TH Floor, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604
David Ar Evans, 4880 Santa Rosa RD Suite 300, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Eileen E Hill 4880 Santa Rosa RD Suite 300, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Robert C Adair, 1601 Medical Center Drive, 6TH Floor, Edmond, Ok 73034
Russell R Hauth , 4880 Santa Rosa RD Suite 300, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Salem Communications Acquisition Corporation, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Suite 300, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Sca License Corporation, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Suite 300, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Ownership Report BOA20030829BBL - As of 08/29/2003 - Application ID 677333
Edward G Atsinger Iii, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Suite 300, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Stuart W Epperson, 3780 Will Scarlet Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27104
Joe D Davis, 777 Terrace Ave 6TH Floor, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604
David Ar Evans, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Suite 300, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Eileen E Hill, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Suite 300, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Jonathan L Block, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Suite 300, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Salem Communications Acquisition Corporation, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Suite 300, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Sca License Corporation, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Suite 300, Camarillo, Ca 93012
Ownership Report BOA20010601AGP - As of 05/22/2001 - Application ID 568253
Edwars Gatsinger Ii
Stuart W Epperson
Eileen H Hill
Jonathan L Block
David A R Evans
Salem Communications Acqustion Corporation
Ownership Report B19990316ABM - As of 03/16/2000 - Application ID 562148
Edwars Gatsinger Ii
Stuart W Epperson
Eileen H Hill
Jonathan L Block
David A R Evans
Salem Communications Acqustion Corporation