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Streams heard since April 2006:
Streaming Radio Guide
FCC ownership history for radio station WTRW-FM
(Carbondale, Pennsylvania)
FCC ownership history for radio station WTRW-FM (Carbondale, Pennsylvania)
Ownership Report BOA20151210AAW - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1712647
Licensee: Bold Gold Media Group, LP - FCC Registration # 0013987177
Bold Gold Media Group, LLC
Vince Benedetto
Robert Tambur
Robert Vanderheyden%
Ownership Report BOA20151210AAM - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1712644
Licensee: Bold Gold Media Group, LP - FCC Registration # 0013987177
Bold Gold Media Group, LP
Bold Gold Media Group, LLC
Vince Benedetto
Robert Tambur%
Ownership Report BOA20131211AGO - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1587305
Licensee: Bold Gold Media Group, LP - FCC Registration # 0013987177
Bold Gold Media Group, LP
Bold Gold Media Group, LLC
Vince Benedetto
Robert Tambur%
Ownership Report BOA20131211AHI - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1587296
Licensee: Bold Gold Media Group, LP - FCC Registration # 0013987177
Bold Gold Media Group, LLC
Vince Benedetto
Robert Tambur
Robert Vanderheyden%
Ownership Report BOA20111129BOO - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1480370
Licensee: Bold Gold Media Group, LP - FCC Registration # 0013987177
Bold Gold Media Group, LLC
Vince Benedetto
Robert Tambur
Robert Vanderheyden%
Ownership Report BOA20111129BOO - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1465208
Licensee: Bold Gold Media Group, LP - FCC Registration # 0013987177
Bold Gold Media Group, LLC
Vince Benedetto
Robert Tambur
Robert Vanderheyden%
Ownership Report BOA20111129BPG - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1464907
Licensee: Bold Gold Media Group, LP - FCC Registration # 0013987177
Bold Gold Media Group, LP
Bold Gold Media Group, LLC
Vince Benedetto
Robert Tambur%
Ownership Report BOA20100623ALT - As of 08/01/2011 - Application ID 1439176
Licensee: Bold Gold Media Group, LP - FCC Registration # 0013987177
Bold Gold Media Group, LP
Bold Gold Media Group, LLC
Vince Benedetto
Robert Tambur%
Ownership Report BOA20100608AFX - As of 11/01/2009 - Application ID 1374333
Licensee: WS2K Radio LLC - FCC Registration # 0018136408
Wallersutton 2000, LP
Wallersutton 2000, LLC%
Ownership Report BOA20100608AFK - As of 11/01/2009 - Application ID 1374327
Licensee: WS2K Radio LLC - FCC Registration # 0018136408
Wallersutton 2000, LLC
William H Ingram & Jonathan M Wainwright, Trustees Of The Christopher J Ingram Trust Dated 12/21/00
John W Waller, III
Cathy M Brienza
William H Ingram
John T Woodruff%
Ownership Report BOA20100608AEW - As of 11/01/2009 - Application ID 1374319
Licensee: WS2K Radio LLC - FCC Registration # 0018136408
WS2K Radio LLC a Delaware LLC
Wallersutton 2000, LP
Ira Rosenblatt%
Ownership Report BOS20100319AEE - As of 02/02/2010 - Application ID 1359325
Licensee: Bold Gold Media Group, LP - FCC Registration # 0013987177
Bold Gold Media Group, LP
Bold Gold Media Group, LLC
Vince Benedetto
Robert Tambur
Robert Vanderheyden%
Ownership Report BON20081208AFG - As of 12/08/2008 - Application ID 1271223
Radioactive, LLC, 1717 Dixie Highway, Suite 650, FT Wright, Ky 41011
Benjamin L Homel, FT Wright, Ky
Ownership Report BON20071011ACI - As of 10/11/2007 - Application ID 1209832
Radioactive, LLC, FT Wright, Ky
Benjamin L Homel, FT Wright, Ky
Ownership Report BON20070129AQB - As of 01/24/2007 - Application ID 1169750
Radioactive, LLC, FT Wright, Ky
Benjamin L Homel, FT Wright, Ky