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FCC ownership history for radio station WBZL-FM
(Greenwood, Mississippi)
FCC ownership history for radio station WBZL-FM (Greenwood, Mississippi)
Ownership Report BOS20160624AAO - As of 06/24/2016 - Application ID 1731921
Licensee: Telesouth Communications, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003778743
Telesouth Communications, Inc
Stephen C Davenport
Kimlan S Dillon
Tanya P Taylor%
Ownership Report BOP20160616ABB - As of 04/17/2016 - Application ID 1722853
Licensee: Telesouth Communications, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003778743
Telesouth Communications, Inc
Stephen C Davenport
Kimlan S Dillon
Tanya P Taylor%
Ownership Report BOA20151119ARR - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1698978
Licensee: Telesouth Communications, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003778743
Telesouth Communications, Inc
Stephen C Davenport
Kimlan S Dillon
Tanya P Taylor%
Ownership Report BOA20131204AMB - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1604534
Licensee: Telesouth Communications, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003778743
Telesouth Communications, Inc
Stephen C Davenport
Kimlan S Dillon
Tanya P Taylor%
Ownership Report BOS20130926BBP - As of 08/23/2013 - Application ID 1572985
Licensee: Telesouth Communications, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003778743
Telesouth Communications, Inc
Stephen C Davenport
John A Winfield
Kimlan S Dillon
Tanya P Taylor%
Ownership Report BOS20120716AEQ - As of 06/15/2012 - Application ID 1507727
Licensee: Telesouth Communications, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003778743
Telesouth Communications, Inc
Stephen C Davenport
John A Winfield
Kimlan S Dillon
Tanya P Taylor%
Ownership Report BOA20111201MEE - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1476685
Licensee: Telesouth Communications, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003778743
Telesouth Communications, Inc
Stephen C Davenport
John A Winfield
Kimlan S Dillon
Tanya P Taylor%
Ownership Report BOA20100114ACN - As of 11/01/2009 - Application ID 1350962
Licensee: Telesouth Communications, Inc - FCC Registration # 0003778743
Telesouth Communications, Inc
Stephen C Davenport
John A Winfield
Kimlan S Dillon
Tanya P Taylor%