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Streams heard since April 2006:
Streaming Radio Guide
FCC ownership history for radio station KTEA-FM
(Cambria, California)
FCC ownership history for radio station KTEA-FM (Cambria, California)
Ownership Report BOA20151127BSH - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1707743
Licensee: Adelman Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0006835722
Robert D Adelman
Adelman Broadcasting, Inc%
Ownership Report BOS20140423AAD - As of 04/22/2014 - Application ID 1634779
Licensee: Adelman Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0006835722
Adelman Broadcasting, Inc
Robert D Adelman%
Ownership Report BOA20131216EAL - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1602703
Licensee: Ktea-Fm, LLC - FCC Registration # 0018059105
Ktea-Fm, LLC
James R Kampschroer
Lee Anne Went
Melissa Kampschroer Murphy%
Ownership Report BOP20121115AAC - As of 11/07/2012 - Application ID 1523644
Licensee: Kona Coast Radio, LLC - FCC Registration # 0011337292
Kona Coast Radio, LLC
Victor A Michael, Jr. %
Ownership Report BOA20111006ACP - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1439359
Licensee: Ktea-Fm LLC - FCC Registration # 0001910694
James R Kampschroer
Lee Anne Went
Melissa Kampschroer Murphy%
Ownership Report BOA20091222ARQ - As of 11/01/2009 - Application ID 1347810
Licensee: Ktea-Fm LLC - FCC Registration # 0001910694
John & Berna Dallons
James Robert Kampschroer%
Ownership Report BON20080618ACX - As of 06/10/2008 - Application ID 1249552
James Robert Kampschroer
John & Berna Dallons 1981 Barley Grain RD Paso Robles Ca 93446
Ownership Report BOS20080527AEX - As of 05/27/2008 - Application ID 1247775
James Kampschroer 2976 Burton DR Cambria Ca
Ownership Report BOA20070730AKA - As of 07/30/2007 - Application ID 1197660
James R Kampschroer 2976 Burton DR Cambria Ca
Ownership Report BON20021119AAC - As of 11/18/2002 - Application ID 618616
James Robert Kampschroer 2976 Burton Drive Cambria, Ca 93428