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Streaming Radio Guide
FCC ownership history for radio station KFCW-FM
(Riverton, Wyoming)
FCC ownership history for radio station KFCW-FM (Riverton, Wyoming)
Ownership Report BOA20151016AEY - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1693280
Licensee: Edwards Communications, LC - FCC Registration # 0004770764
Edwards Publications, Inc
Bob Edwards
Joyce Edwards
Jerry Edwards
Steve Edwards%
Ownership Report BOA20151016AEP - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1693273
Licensee: Edwards Communications, LC - FCC Registration # 0004770764
Edwards Communications, LC
Edwards Publications, Inc
Jerry Edwards%
Ownership Report BOS20140523ACB - As of 05/20/2014 - Application ID 1638807
Licensee: Edwards Communications, LC - FCC Registration # 0004770764
Edwards Publications, Inc
Bob Edwards
Joyce Edwards
Jerry Edwards
Steve Edwards%
Ownership Report BOS20140523ABR - As of 05/20/2014 - Application ID 1638805
Licensee: Edwards Communications, LC - FCC Registration # 0004770764
Edwards Communications, LC
Edwards Publications, Inc
Jerry Edwards%