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Streams heard since April 2006:
Streaming Radio Guide
FCC ownership history for radio station WCCP-FM
(Clemson, South Carolina)
FCC ownership history for radio station WCCP-FM (Clemson, South Carolina)
Ownership Report BOA20151102APF - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1696754
Licensee: Byrne Acquisition Group, LLC - FCC Registration # 0022021620
Byrne Acquisition Group, LLC
John B Byrne
Blake Byrne
Dave Stribling
Wayne Morris%
Ownership Report BOA20131024ACP - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1579143
Licensee: Byrne Acquisition Group, LLC - FCC Registration # 0022021620
Byrne Acquisition Group, LLC
John B Byrne
Blake Byrne%
Ownership Report BOA20111118CFN - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1466166
Licensee: Golden Corners Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0009315268
Golden Corners Broadcasting, Inc
George W Clement
Faye Clement%
Ownership Report BOA20100708PCI - As of 11/01/2009 - Application ID 1389302
Licensee: Golden Corners Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0009315268
Golden Corners Broadcasting, Inc
George W Clement
Faye Clement%
Ownership Report BOA20070912AAH - As of 09/12/2007 - Application ID 1204653
George W Clement, PO Box 1560, Clemson, SC 29631
Faye S Clement, PO Box 1560, Clemson, SC 29631
Ownership Report BOA20051011ABV - As of 10/10/2005 - Application ID 1091349
George W Clement, PO Box 1560, Clemson, SC 29631
Faye S Clement, PO Box 1560, Clemson, SC 29631
Ownership Report BOA20030718ADQ - As of 07/19/2003 - Application ID 672029
George W Clement, PO Box 1560, Clemson, SC 29631
Faye S Clement, PO Box 1560, Clemson, SC 29631
Ownership Report BOA20010803AAC - As of 08/03/2001 - Application ID 576526
George W Clement
Faye S Clement