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FCC ownership history for radio station WLLW-FM
(Geneva, New York)
FCC ownership history for radio station WLLW-FM (Geneva, New York)
Ownership Report BOS20170221AAW - As of 02/20/2017 - Application ID 1751557
Licensee: Upstate Media Group, Inc - FCC Registration # 0026270819
Upstate Media Group, Inc
Alan Bishop
Lisa M Bishop%
Ownership Report BOA20151124DAA - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1709426
Licensee: Auburn Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0006292023
Auburn Broadcasting, Inc
Alan Bishop
George W Kimble
Lisa M Bishop%
Ownership Report BOA20151124DAA - As of 10/01/2015 - Application ID 1699513
Licensee: Auburn Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0006292023
Auburn Broadcasting, Inc
Alan Bishop
George W Kimble
Lisa M Bishop%
Ownership Report BOA20131206AFJ - As of 10/01/2013 - Application ID 1593592
Licensee: Auburn Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0006292023
Auburn Broadcasting, Inc
Alan Bishop
George W Kimble
Lisa M Bishop%
Ownership Report BOA20111122BXZ - As of 10/01/2011 - Application ID 1464174
Licensee: Auburn Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0006292023
Auburn Broadcasting, Inc
Alan Bishop
George W Kimble
Lisa M Bishop%
Ownership Report BOA20100615AKX - As of 11/01/2009 - Application ID 1374585
Licensee: Auburn Broadcasting, Inc - FCC Registration # 0006292023
Auburn Broadcasting, Inc
Alan Bishop
George W Kimble
Lisa M Bishop%
Ownership Report BOA20080122APY - As of 01/22/2008 - Application ID 1229332
George W Kimble, 6890 E Sunrise DR, #120-40, Tucson, Az 85750
Alan Bishop, 25 Kerry Hill, Fairport, Ny 14450
Lisa Bishop, 25 Kerry Hill Fairport, Ny 14450
Ownership Report BOA20060131AHX - As of 01/31/2006 - Application ID 1107055
George W Kimble, 6890 E Sunrise DR, Tucson, Az 85750
Alan Bishop, 25 Kerry Hill, Fairport, Ny 14450
Ownership Report BOA20050222AAI - As of 01/31/2005 - Application ID 1046675
George W Kimble, 6890 E Sunrise DR, Tucson, Az 85750
Alan Bishop, 25 Kerry Hill, Fairport, Ny 14450
Ownership Report BOS20010403AAC - As of 03/27/2001 - Application ID 558235
George W Kimble, 7601 Ncalle Sin Envedia-Unit #7 Tucson Az 85718
Alan Bishop, 25 Kerry Hill, Fairport, Ny 14450
Ownership Report BOA19990129ABC - As of 01/29/1999 - Application ID 543104
George Kimble
Kathy Ingersoll