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Women giving birth in Cuba die at a rate almost 4 times that of the United States (8.4 vs 33 per 1000) ?
Streaming Radio Guide
Radio Station list by Owner
*Urban Radio (Goldman Sachs)

Include: AM FM Only Streaming Stations Low Power FM FM Translators

0 matches found
Station (S) = Simulcast
* = Registration required

Owned/Controlled By should NOT be considered as a legally signficant designation. It is my opinion of which parent entity I believe has effective control of the FCC license and provides a significant amount of the station's programming. Licenses can be in different names for any number of reasons, like grandfathered restrictions on ownership limits, some party having a small residiual ownership or legal interest in the license, or they could just be planning for the future.

© Copyright 2005-2024 by Fred Stiening
Tracking: As of April 16, 2024 3:24:05 PM   SID: U/T: / IP< (prod)
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Questions, Comments, Navigation issues, Suggestions, want to help?

Drop a note to NotARadioStation@nowhere.com
Phone: (336) 500-4133

(The directory only lists FCC Licensed Stations)

Urban Radio (Goldman Sachs) Radio Station List