Time (Eastern US)AuthorComment (most recent last)Actions
2013-08-16 03:04:50editorstreams changed to -1 Reply to
2013-08-16 03:04:52editorverifiedtime changed to 8/16/2013 3:04:52 AM Reply to
2014-01-24 00:00:00FCC App# 1575112License Renewed Reply to
2014-08-26 10:57:45editorUpdated Station URL to http://www.820sports.com/ Reply to
2014-08-26 10:57:47editorUpdated Timezone to GMT -9 Reply to
2014-08-26 10:57:52editorChanged streaming URL to http://radio.securenetsystems.net/radio_player_large.cfm?stationCallSign=KCBF Reply to
2014-08-26 10:58:07editorStreaming marked as Working Reply to
2014-08-26 10:58:13editorStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to
2015-04-06 02:16:47charlottencStation Format updated from Sports Variety to National Sports Talk Reply to
2015-04-06 02:17:03charlottencStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to
2015-09-13 10:31:48charlottencStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to
2016-03-27 18:55:53editorStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to
2016-11-23 02:09:54charlottencStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to
2017-05-08 00:00:00FCC App# 1760649FCC received request to transfer license from LAST FRONTIER MEDIACTIVE, LLC to TOR INGSTAD LICENSES, LLC Reply to
2017-05-08 00:00:00FCC App# 1758984FCC received request to transfer license from LAST FRONTIER MEDIACTIVE, LLC to TOR INGSTAD LICENSES, LLC Reply to
2017-05-08 00:00:00FCC App# 1758524FCC received request to transfer license from LAST FRONTIER MEDIACTIVE, LLC to TOR INGSTAD LICENSES, LLC Reply to
2017-05-08 00:00:00FCC App# 1751518FCC received request to transfer license from LAST FRONTIER MEDIACTIVE, LLC to TOR INGSTAD LICENSES, LLC Reply to
2017-06-08 00:00:00FCC App# 1751518FCC request to transfer license from LAST FRONTIER MEDIACTIVE, LLC to TOR INGSTAD LICENSES, LLC superceded Reply to
2017-06-15 00:00:00FCC App# 1758524FCC request to transfer license from LAST FRONTIER MEDIACTIVE, LLC to TOR INGSTAD LICENSES, LLC superceded Reply to
2017-07-13 00:00:00FCC App# 1758984FCC request to transfer license from LAST FRONTIER MEDIACTIVE, LLC to TOR INGSTAD LICENSES, LLC superceded Reply to
2017-07-19 00:00:00FCC App# 1760649FCC approved transfer of license from LAST FRONTIER MEDIACTIVE, LLC to TOR INGSTAD LICENSES, LLC Reply to
2017-08-24 00:00:00FCC App# 1765089FCC was notified license transfer is complete Reply to
2017-08-25 06:42:42Licensee changed from LAST FRONTIER MEDIACTIVE, LLC to TOR INGSTAD LICENSES, LLC Reply to
2018-07-12 11:49:04editorStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to
2019-08-24 16:35:35editorStation Homepage Title changed from KCBF 820 Sports to ESPN Radio Fairbanks Reply to
2019-08-24 16:35:35editorAutomated Update of homepage URL from http://820sports.com/ to https://espnradiofairbanks.com/ Reply to
2019-08-24 22:56:43editorStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to
2020-12-10 00:00:00FCC App# 1823840FCC received application to begin licensed operation Reply to
2021-04-09 00:00:00FCC App# 1823840FCC approved station to begin licensed operation Reply to
2024-04-27 20:22:30editorStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to