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Did you know...
Mayan civilization collapsed in the 8th and 9th centuries, 500 years before the first Spanish Conquistadors showed up ?
Streaming Radio Guide
Streaming Radio Shows by Syndicator
Business Talk RadioProgram Description
StationAccessStart TimeEnd TimeDays
Investor's Edge
with Gary Kaltbaum
Every day something significant happens in the financial markets, and every day Gary Kaltbaum brings his 17 years of financial advice to bear to sort it out, tell us what it means, and give us an opinion as to how it will impact our investments.
Live (Eastern Time)6:00 PM7:00 PMMTWTFXX
Talkin' Pets
with Jon Patch
Is your bird losing its feathers? Is your dog digging up the backyard? Maybe your cat is using your favorite chair as a scratching post? Jon can help callers cope with medical and behavioral questions relating to all kinds of domestic animals. The program also features news on animal rights and environmental issues that affect animals everywhere.
Live (Eastern Time)6:00 PM8:00 PMXXXXXSX
KRMS AM *7:00 AM8:00 AM......S
BTRN5:00 PM6:00 PM.....S.

* = Station inserts commercial prior to stream start
* = Station requires registration
* = Program sometimes preempted by sports

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© Copyright 2005-2024 by Fred Stiening
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(The directory only lists FCC Licensed Stations)