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Streaming Radio Guide
Internet Streaming Schedule for WMRF FM 95.7
Start and End times are station local time, not your local time
Station: WMRF FM (95.7)
Community of license: Lewistown, Pennsylvania
Market: State College, PA
Station: http://merfradio.com/
80s to Now
Merf Radio

Current Local Time: 4:38 PM
Time Zone: GMT-5

Merf | The 80's, 90's, 2k & Today!
Your ultimate music destination for an immersive listening pleasure! Step into a world of enchanting melodies, top-charting hits, and a diverse array of musical genres. Tune in to our carefully curated playlists, electrifying live shows, and exclusive artist spotlights. Join our vibrant community of music enthusiasts and embark on an unforgettable auditory journey. MERF Radio caters to every musical preference, from pop to rock to hip-hop, ensuring a captivating experience for all music lovers. Elevate your musical voyage and let MERF Radio be your gateway to discovering new sounds and cherished classics. Unleash the magic of music with MERF Radio - your key to unlocking the ultimate musical bliss!

Source: Open Guide

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Transmitter Location
tower in google   (A) Coverage
[Class A] (310w)

WMRF Tower in Google Maps

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