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The forecasting study about Polar Bears that led to the threatened species followed almost none of the estrablished standards for conducting a forecasting study. ?
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Dennis Prager: Dennis Prager had a catastrophic injury in November 2024 that has left him paralyzed from the shoulders down. He is hoping to do a one hour show beginning the first week of June, but the main show time will be taken over by Charlie Kirk
Your Fear will set you Free blog

Victory Lap
Brace for nuclear war
Potential server outage
Niche Public Radio?
Another part of CBS dies

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The May Pole you danced around in kindergarten is a phallic symbol from the pagan religion. ?
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What is a woman? What is a Matt Walsh? Do you identify as a walrus?
Join the Conversation about Matt Walsh
WDDQ FM Add WDDQ FM to Favorite Stations
Adel, GA
Talk 921
  blue5:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
WLBY AM Add WLBY AM to Favorite Stations
Saline, MI
Ann Arbor's Talk
  blue ack5:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
KXLY AM Add KXLY AM to Favorite Stations
Spokane, WA
News Radio
  blue ack5:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
America First Live!
with Dr Sebastian Gorka
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Gorka, who is the National Security Strategist for the Fox News Channel is a regular guest on the Sean Hannity show and the programs of the FOX Business Network. He writes for The Hill and has written two books for Regnery Publishing. His first “Defeating Jihad,” was a national best-seller and his latest, released in October, is called “Why We Fight…Defeating America’s Enemies with No Apologies.” Before launching his new SALEM show, “AMERICA FIRST with Sebastian Gorka,” he was an advisor to candidate Donald J. Trump and served on the staff of the White House in 2017 as Deputy Assistant to the President for Strategy
Topic from artstone (Jun 2, 2021)

What's the thought process that makes people think it's good to be homeless
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WGTK AM Add WGTK AM to Favorite Stations
Louisville, KY
  blue4:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
KNTH AM Add KNTH AM to Favorite Stations
Houston, TX
Am The Answer
  blue4:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
KTRB AM Add KTRB AM to Favorite Stations
San Francisco, CA
The Answer
  blue3:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
WOGO AM Add WOGO AM to Favorite Stations
Hallie, WI
WOGO Radio | Hallie, Chippewa Falls, And Eau Claire, Wisconsin
  blue ack4:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
WNTP AM Add WNTP AM to Favorite Stations
Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia’s AM The Answer
  blue ack3:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
KRLA AM Add KRLA AM to Favorite Stations
Glendale, CA
AM 870 The ANSWER - Los Angeles, CA
  blueStreaming Info ack3:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
The Ben Shapiro Show connects listeners with the news they need to know in the fastest-moving daily program in America. A voice for conservative millennials, Shapiro covers America’s most powerful political personalities, brutally breaks down the culture, and never gives an inch!
Topic from artstone (Jun 28, 2021)

Ben is talking too fast to understand what he is saying. He knows that and doesn't care
WFTL AM Add WFTL AM to Favorite Stations
West Palm Beach, FL
News. Talk. Live. Local.
  blue ack4:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
This is the Lars Larson "Northwest" show headquarted at KXL in Portland, and focused on subjects of interest to the Pacific Northwest
Topic from artstone (Jun 2, 2021)

Rural people are going to get screwed in the redistricting
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KVI AM Add KVI AM to Favorite Stations
Seattle, WA
KVI AM 570
  blue3:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
KXL FM Add KXL FM to Favorite Stations
Portland, OR
Stay Connected
  blue ack3:00 PM7:00 PMMTWTF..
KPNW AM Add KPNW AM to Favorite Stations
Eugene, OR
Newsradio AM
  blue ack3:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
Michael Knowles hosts, The Michael Knowles Show, The Book Club at PragerU, and co-hosts Verdict with Sen. Ted Cruz. In 2017, he wrote the #1 national bestselling treatise Reasons To Vote For Democrats: A Comprehensive Guide, which President Donald Trump hailed as “a great book for your reading enjoyment.” In addition, Knowles appears regularly as a political analyst on television news programs. Michael is a graduate of Yale University, and has lectured on college campuses and at research institutions throughout the country. Michael has had his writing appear on the Daily Wire, Fox News, the American Mind, the Daily Caller, and the Point, among other outlets.
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WMAC AM Add WMAC AM to Favorite Stations
Macon, GA 
AM News Talk Sports
  blue ack5:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
WFAS AM Add WFAS AM to Favorite Stations
White Plains, NY
New Talk For New York
  blue ack5:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
WHAM News Hour Live!
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If it happened today in Rochester (NY), you'll hear about it here.
WHAM AM Add WHAM AM to Favorite Stations
Rochester, NY 
  blue ack5:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
Brett Winterble�is one funny, entertaining and smart talk show host, that much is a fact. For two hours every day, Brett breaks down the most interesting, cutting edge stuff out there. The show is a combination of high energy, fast paced audio elements, comedy, and solid political thought. This is NOT your Dad's talk radio.
Topic from artstone (Dec 18, 2015)

Are you overwhelmed by the Star Wars mania?
WBT AM Add WBT AM to Favorite Stations
Charlotte, NC
Charlotte's News Talk Radio Station
  blue3:00 PM7:00 PMMTWTF..
Cats at Night Live!
with John Catsimatidis
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John loves talk radio so much, he bought the station.
Topic from artstone (May 21, 2021)

Voter Integrity - where do we go from here?
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WABC AM Add WABC AM to Favorite Stations
New York, NY 
77 New York News Talk Music Radio
  blue ack5:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
Dennis Prager
Dennis Prager had an accident in November 20 24, and is not currently doing the show
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Ratingsblue 8.0 (32 votes)
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Dennis Prager is one of America's most respected radio talk show hosts. He has been broadcasting on radio in Los Angeles since 1982.

For ten years, he conducted a weekly interfaith dialogue on radio with representatives of virtually every religion in the world. New York's Jewish Week described Dennis Prager as "one of the three most interesting minds in American Jewish Life."

Topic from artstone (Fri)

Dennis Prager had a catastrophic injury in November 2024 that has left him paralyzed from the shoulders down. He is hoping to do a one hour show beginning the first week of June, but the main show time will be taken over by Charlie Kirk
Prager Add Prager to Favorite Stations
24/7 Dennis Prager
  blue ackMidnight11:59 PMMTWTFSS
Guy's resume in media and politics features internships at the White House-during the second term of President George W. Bush-as well as Fox News Channel in New York City. At Fox News, Guy assisted with show preparation, research, editing, and guest relations at the primetime show Hannity and Colmes. He also worked for the cable network at the 2004 Republican National Convention. Guy was an on-air reporter at an NPR affiliate in South Florida in 2006 and is an occasional contributor to National Review Online's "blog row." He appears regularly on the nationally-syndicated Hugh Hewitt radio show.
Topic from artstone (Apr 21, 2021)

Is Biden going to make Washington DC a state?
Join the Conversation about Guy Benson
FOX News Add FOX News to Favorite Stations
World Wide Web, WW
FOX News Radio
  blue3:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
When he turns the radio microphone off, Howie is an award-winning front-page columnist for the Boston Herald. Known for his scathing exposes of local politicians, he has raised lots of eyebrows and voices over the years. He's famous for pushing the envelope and not regretting that he went too far. New England tunes in to Howie Carr.
Topic from artstone (Oct 28, 2020)

Howie thinks early voting should be abolished
Join the Conversation about Howie Carr
WKBK AM Add WKBK AM to Favorite Stations
Keene, NH
WKBK Radio |
  blue3:00 PM7:00 PMMTWTF..
WGAN AM Add WGAN AM to Favorite Stations
Portland, ME
  blue3:00 PM7:00 PMMTWTF..
WRKO AM Add WRKO AM to Favorite Stations
Boston, MA
WRKO-AM 680 - The Voice of Boston
  blue ack3:00 PM7:00 PMMTWTF..
Hugh Hewitt is a Professor of Law at Chapman University Law School, where he teaches Constitutional Law. He is a weekly columnist for The Daily Standard, the online edition of The Weekly Standard, and a weekly columnist for WorldNetDaily.com.
Topic from artstone (Apr 3, 2024)

What’s the over and under for the date when Donald Trump gets convicted in New York?
Hewitt Add Hewitt to Favorite Stations
24/7 Hugh Hewitt
  blue ackMidnight11:59 PMMTWTFSS
Info Wars
with Alex Jones
4th hour is usually done by staff, Sunday 5-7 PM Eastern
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Ratingsblue 7.8 (19 votes)
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The one person brave enough to tell you the "truth" about the global conspiracy of the New World Order.
Topic from artstone (Jun 28, 2021)

The WHO has a plan to sterilize everyone using vaccines
Alex Jones Add Alex Jones to Favorite Stations
24 hr feed of the Alex Jones show
  blue mp31:00 AM:59 AMMTWTFSS
KABC AM Add KABC AM to Favorite Stations
Los Angeles, CA
  blue sports ack3:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
John Steigerwald has been a sports figure on KDKA-TV since 1985. He has written regular columns in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. He also writes a weekly column for four local newspapers...Beaver County Times, Washington Observer-Reporter, Valley News Dispatch and Indiana Gazette.
Topic from artstone (Oct 27, 2008)

Caller asserts that companies that markup something 500% is stealing - John disagrees
WPGP AM Add WPGP AM to Favorite Stations
Pittsburgh, PA
Am The Answer
  blue5:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
Belling's program is a fast-paced mix of his own opinions, insights on topical matters and listener reactions. While driven by daily news events, the program also focuses on "slice of life" issues that everyone can relate to.
Topic from artstone (Feb 19, 2019)

Mark Belling has had a stroke


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WISN AM Add WISN AM to Favorite Stations
Milwaukee, WI
  blueStreaming Info4:00 PM7:00 PMMTWTF..
Ratingsblue 8.3 (105 votes)
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Mark Levin is one of America's preeminent conservative commentators and constitutional lawyers. He's in great demand as a political and legal commentator, and has appeared on hundreds of television and radio programs. Levin is also a contributing editor for National Review Online, and writes frequently for other publications. His contract runs until 2025
Topic from artstone (Jun 28, 2021)

Swiss America warns that there is a war against cash!
MarkLevin Add MarkLevin to Favorite Stations
The Mark Levin Show
  blue ackMidnight11:59 PMMTWTFSS
The show is an often-humorous collection of hot takes on the day’s top trending stories. Hosts Jamie Markley and David van Camp are on the move!
Topic from artstone (Jun 1, 2021)

Biden is hoping the border crisis just goes away
WETR AM Add WETR AM to Favorite Stations
Knoxville, TN
Talk Radio 92.3
  blue3:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
Ratingsblue 6.0 (27 votes)
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In addition to doing a national radio show since 1998, Mike is a Fox News Channel Contributor on Fox News Channel program. Mike is now in the role of single father raising his family in addition to telling America what is Right to think
Topic from artstone (Feb 28, 2024)

Mike is broadcasting live from hostage square in tel Aviv to make sure that Americans don't forget what's happened in Israel
Gallagher Add Gallagher to Favorite Stations
24/7 Mike Gallagher
  blue ackMidnight11:59 PMMTWTFSS
An award-winning journalist and radio host, Albom wrote the screenplay for "The Five People You Meet in Heaven," and is an established playwright, having authored numerous pieces for the theater, including the off-Broadway version of “Tuesdays With Morrie”
Topic from artstone (Jan 5, 2021)

A hummus sandwich on Monday will improve your life
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WJR AM Add WJR AM to Favorite Stations
Detroit, MI
Great Voice of the Great Lakes
  blue ack4:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
Nate was raised in Cleveland. His mom is a former Catholic nun of German and French descent and his dad of Russian and Irish descent is Jewish.
Topic from artstone (Dec 18, 2015)

Trump and Putin admiring each other. Does Trump really endorse murdering journalists? [guest host]
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KBOI AM Add KBOI AM to Favorite Stations
Boise, ID 
  blue sports ack5:00 PM9:00 PMMTWTF..
Thayrone, the conservative firebrand has long been known to Ann Arbor. Thayrone sums up his views unapologetically, “I’m very conservative and always have been." As friend and foe know full well, Thayrone is passionate in his beliefs. "When I start, I’ve got no brakes,” he said. He calls his detractors “background noise… it comes with the territory,” and he takes criticism in stride. "I'm deeply compassionate...I just keep it to myself.”
Topic from artstone (Feb 20, 2021)

The eight types of white people
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WAAM AM Add WAAM AM to Favorite Stations
Ann Arbor, MI
Southeast Michigan's Conservative Powerhouse
  blue3:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
Rick Zeoli Live!
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Rich Zeoli represents a new generation of compelling talk radio. He grew up in New Jersey and spent his career advising candidates in New Jersey and Pennsylvania running for all levels of political office including Governor, US Senate, and Congress. He was the youngest chair of a political party in New Jersey history.
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WPHT AM Add WPHT AM to Favorite Stations
Philadelphia, PA
Talk Radio
  blue ack3:00 PM7:00 PMMTWTF..
It's Ron Verb, the man who needs no introduction.
Topic from artstone (Jan 6, 2014)

The local governments never have enough money
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WKBN AM Add WKBN AM to Favorite Stations
Youngstown, OH 
  blue3:00 PM7:00 PMMTWTF..
Ratingsblue 6.1 (153 votes)
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Join Fox News star Sean Hannity as he counts down the number of days until "we" take the country back in 2016, following his success influencing the 2012 election. If you just can't get enough election coverage, this is the show for you! Add in breaking news reports on the Natalee Holloway case, and you couldn't ask for a better show!
Topic from artstone (Jan 5, 2021)

If you are in Georgia, hurry up and vote
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WREC AM Add WREC AM to Favorite Stations
Memphis, TN
Memphis's News, Talk, Traffic & Weather
  blue3:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
KFYO AM Add KFYO AM to Favorite Stations
Lubbock, TX 
News/talk 95.1 &
  blue3:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
WFDM FM Add WFDM FM to Favorite Stations
Franklin, IN
Freedom 95 Radio
  blue3:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
KTRH AM Add KTRH AM to Favorite Stations
Houston, TX 
Houston's News, Weather & Traffic Station
  blue3:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
WLOB AM Add WLOB AM to Favorite Stations
Portland, ME
Radio…the Lobster Network
  blue3:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
WTKS AM Add WTKS AM to Favorite Stations
Savannah, GA
Savannah's Newsradio 97.7fm And
  blue3:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
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Simon is a radio talk show host whose conservative outlook was forged his my native UK, where he experienced the considerable downsides of European-style socialism.
Topic from artstone (Jun 2, 2021)

Guest from NewsMax talking with Simon about CNN's criticism of NewsMax
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WHO AM Add WHO AM to Favorite Stations
Des Moines, IA
  blueStreaming Info5:00 PM8:00 PMMTWTF..
Proof that anyone can suceed in this world. I mean "succeed."
Topic from artstone (Dec 10, 2015)

It's 45 degrees outside, the wildcats got 13 rebounds last night
Join the Conversation about Terry Meiners
WHAS AM Add WHAS AM to Favorite Stations
Louisville, KY
  blue sports3:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
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Dana Loesch is a blogger, television personality, and member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. She is unabashedly non-PC and loves rock, metal, and Robert Smith.
Topic from artstone (Jun 2, 2021)

The blockbuster Fauci emails admitting that masks don't work
WCCF AM Add WCCF AM to Favorite Stations
Punta Gorda, FL
Port Charlotte's News Source
  blue ack3:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
An always combustible discussion of the issues of the day
Topic from artstone (Dec 8, 2015)

Vicki is giving away massages this week
Join the Conversation about Vicki McKenna
WIBA AM Add WIBA AM to Favorite Stations
Madison, WI 
Madison's News/talk Station
  blue4:00 PM7:00 PMMTWTF..
Vince Coglianese is the editorial director of The Daily Caller and the host of "The Vince Coglianese Show" on WMAL in Washington, D.C.
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WMAL FM Add WMAL FM to Favorite Stations
Woodbridge, VA
Where Washington Comes To Talk
  blue3:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
What's Right Live!
with Sam Mirejovsky
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Sam is a full-time practicing attorney, co-founder of Sam & Ash Injury Law, and the former host of KABC’s Sam Nation in Los Angeles. He’s unafraid to tackle challenging issues and give you a new perspective on today’s politics through original common-sense analysis you won't find anywhere else.
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KXNT AM Add KXNT AM to Favorite Stations
North Las Vegas, NV
News And Talk Radio
  blue ack4:00 PM6:00 PMMTWTF..
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