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Add Note about KANW FM
Time (Eastern US)AuthorComment (most recent last)Actions
2009-12-02 22:07:30Successful automated test Reply to
2010-03-04 10:29:48SumItUpNew Shoutcast player at website. Reply to
2010-03-12 20:15:56editorChanged streaming URL to http://www.shoutcast.com/shoutcast_player?stationid=748771 Reply to
2010-03-12 20:16:04editor1000 bonus points awarded for reporting stream problem Reply to
2010-08-13 13:08:093toozStation requested currently experiencing techincal difficulties Notice Reply to
2010-08-26 03:21:29editorChanged streaming URL to http://www.publicbroadcasting.net/kanw/ppr/kanw.m3u Reply to
2010-11-25 23:28:22Successful automated test Reply to
2011-05-21 01:45:28donnahillSuccessful Volunteer Test (Windows) - 85 Seconds Reply to
2011-06-06 07:27:40editorStream (iPhone) worked while testing NPR's Morning Edition Reply to
2011-08-11 00:18:17editorTested and working Reply to
2011-08-11 00:18:18editorReviewed Reply to
2011-09-20 07:41:51editorStream (iPhone) worked while testing NPR's Morning Edition Reply to
2013-01-17 16:06:24Successful automated test Reply to
2014-09-08 16:49:56editorStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to
2015-02-20 21:46:40janderson021Station Web Site Reviewed Reply to
2015-05-13 05:05:10editorMarked as not Under Construction Reply to
2015-05-13 05:08:11editorStation Format updated from Public Radio to NPR Eclectic Reply to
2015-05-13 05:08:24editorStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to
2015-09-05 04:38:29charlottencStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to
2015-12-25 07:40:17editorStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to
2016-05-08 18:12:41editorStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to
2016-10-24 14:17:00editorChanged streaming URL to http://kanw.com/ Reply to
2016-10-24 14:17:21editorStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to
2017-06-01 18:35:31editorStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to
2018-09-28 04:49:04editorAutomated Update of homepage URL from http://kanw.com/ to http://www.kanw.com/ Reply to
2018-12-25 10:46:36editorAutomated Update of homepage URL from http://www.kanw.com/ to https://www.kanw.com/ Reply to
2018-12-25 10:48:50editorStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to
2019-09-07 13:46:25editorStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to
2024-03-12 22:36:24editorStation Homepage Title changed from KANW | New Mexico Public Radio to KANW - Homepage Reply to
2024-03-13 22:55:30editorStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to

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