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Compact Flourescent Light (CFL) Bulbs contain mercury and should not be thrown into the garbage. If you break a CFL, special cleanup procedures are required to avoid contact with the potent neurotoxin ?
Streaming Radio Guide
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Time (Eastern US)AuthorComment (most recent last)Actions
1991-05-03 00:00:00Call Sign changed from 900125MU to KQUF Reply to
1991-10-07 00:00:00Call Sign changed from KQUF to KARU Reply to
1995-06-01 00:00:00Call Sign changed from KARU to KBIC Reply to
1997-12-31 00:00:00FCC App# 255003FCC approved station to begin licensed operation Reply to
2011-03-26 16:33:31editorMarked as working Reply to
2011-10-14 09:00:45WesternMASuccessful Volunteer Test (Windows) - 27 Seconds Reply to
2011-10-14 09:00:54WesternMAQuality rating set to 5 Reply to
2012-04-17 12:00:43editorMarked as Simulcast Reply to
2014-09-02 02:51:03editorStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to
2015-07-31 06:20:31charlottencStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to
2015-10-18 18:19:15charlottencStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to
2016-05-11 21:49:27editorNo longer simulcast Reply to
2016-05-11 21:49:45editorStation URL no longer valid Reply to
2016-05-11 21:51:32editorReset Streaming URL Reply to
2016-05-11 21:51:33editorStreaming Disabled Reply to
2016-05-11 22:02:20editorUpdated Station URL to http://www.radiovida.com/ Reply to
2016-05-11 22:02:24editorChanged streaming URL to http://www.warpradio.com/player/asx.asp?id=10124 Reply to
2016-05-11 22:02:24editorStreaming Enabled Reply to
2016-05-11 22:20:57editorSet as simulcast of KRGE AM Reply to
2016-05-12 03:54:26editorStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to
2018-07-26 01:37:55editorSimulcast Automatically confirmed Reply to
2019-08-17 18:55:09editorStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to
2020-11-08 12:51:38editorStation Web Site Reviewed Reply to

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