| Armed American Radio: Mark is interviewing Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment foundation during the first hour. The NRA is in 'flux' with news of internal waste of money & 'wardrobe' expense accounts, lost money Colonel North is removed as president or NRA. Not Good Armed American Radio: It’s the 5th annual conceal carry convention in Pittsburgh Armed American Radio: Mark is 'Live' tonight, second hour interviewing Dr. Jon Lott, about how editor at NY Times, doesn't care if you committed suicide, it's only bad if you use a firearm. Governor of Virginia special session last week, failed to pass new Gun bans on law abiding citizens after VA Beach shooting. Armed American Radio: Mark is live this evening, and reports that as many as 3800 crimes are 'Prevented' by law abiding people with Firearms everyday. Everyday reported by Center Disease control (CDC) (Gov) agency, reported to Obo after Sandy Hook, by his request, never released publically. Armed American Radio: Gun Rights legislation failed in Georgia | |||||||||||||||||
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