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Show NameIn The GardenAdd to favorites
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Host(s)Andre Viette
SyndicatorSelf-Syndicated Other Self-Syndicated Shows
AffiliatesShow no longer distributed on radio, web or Sirius/XM
DescriptionEverything you ever wanted to know about landscaping, trees, shrubs, evergreens, lawns, perennials, annuals, vegetables, and tropical plants. Whether you’re a brand new gardener or an experienced gardener, call us with your gardening questions.
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In The Garden: An unusually damp summer has left lilac trees with powdery mildew.
In The Garden: Five year-old plum tree has sent out heavy foliage that threatens several branches.
In The Garden: Soil steam sterilization for tomato blight.
In The Garden: Some American native plants that are also invasive.
In The Garden: Ever try copper spray for yellowing cucumber leaves?
In The Garden: Using evergreens to screen out that stuff you don’t want to look at
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