Garbage In, Garbage Out

I’m not positive when this happened but I think it was very recently – the licensee of the radio stations in a large percentage of the records is now a seemingly random number rather than the text of the actual licensee.

This at least temporarily corrupted a number of the reports that you can get like the count of licenses by licensee.    I sent off a message the appropriate person at the FCC who might be interested since it also affects their website.


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4 Responses to Garbage In, Garbage Out

  1. Fred Stiening says:

    No response. No Surprise.

  2. Fred Stiening says:

    I surrender. I looked through all the reasonable ways to connect radio stations with their licensee. I have now changed the licensee to “invalid” if the download has a number in the licensee name. The number of defective records is close to 22,000 out of about 24,000. My suspicion is that number is going to continue to increase.

  3. Fred Stiening says:

    I was notified this morning that they resolved the problem and the current extract appears to be correct. It will probably be late this afternoon before I can undo my temporary workarounds.

  4. Fred Stiening says:

    The outage for the past couple days was partly related to this issue, but not completely

    The blog is back restored as it was, put some of the data is as of October 28th 2021, and there might be some quirky things with old versions of programs, but at this point I think everything is fixable

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