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Host(s)Robin Young and Scott Tong
SyndicatorNPR Other NPR Shows
AffiliatesNo list available
DescriptionThis fast-paced program covers breaking news and provides regular features about food, science and technology, personal finance, film, music and more.
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Here & Now: Donald Trump's press conference on giving money to vets
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Here & Now: The Covid virus is causing psychosis and we have to figure out why, according to the psychiatrist guest
Here & Now: Everywhere you look, Americans are beating up Asians
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KOSU FM Add KOSU FM to Favorite Stations tower in google  
FM 91.7
(Oklahoma State University)
Stillwater, OKNoon2:00 PMMTWTF..
KDAQ FM/HD3 Add KDAQ FM/HD3 to Favorite Stations tower in google  
FM 89.9
Shreveport, LA1:00 PM4:00 PMMTWTF..
KUAF FM Add KUAF FM to Favorite Stations tower in google  
FM 91.3
(University of Arkansas)
Fayetteville, AR2:00 PM4:00 PMMTWTF..
WVPS FM Add WVPS FM to Favorite Stations tower in google  
FM 107.9
(VPR News/Classical Flagship)
Burlington, VT2:00 PM3:00 PMMTWTF..
WRVO FM Add WRVO FM to Favorite Stations tower in google  
FM 89.9
(State University of NY)
Oswego, NY2:00 PM3:00 PMMTWTF..

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Numbers -have- been normalized to reflect overall growth of this web site - so the growth rates are comparative to the other shows - but probably do not reflect radio audience listening in general.

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