1,086 new HD 2/3/4 channels!

In case someone from HDradio wanders by today wondering why this service scraped their list overnight 😉

The list of all HD channels on the HD Radio ™ Web site has 3818 channels as of this morning, but you can only see 100 at a time. An unknown period of time ago, the processing of the HD list failed and there was so little interest, I didn’t notice nor bother to fix it until today.

The HD data included a web page which might help find the HD2/3/4 web sites that mostly just confuse people.

HD2/3/4 channels being used as the primary signal for FM translators is becoming a really big deal, so some changes have been made to identify correctly that FX translator W123xx is being fed by Wxxx/HD2, meaning a new FM station pops up with no recognizable call sign.

Anyone looking for weeks of pointless research, you may be accepted as a volunteer!

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