“Deficit Reduction” != “Spending Cuts”

(“!=” means “Does not equal” to programmers :))

Reducing the budget deficit is as simple as changing your budget assumptions (in 2015, GDP will grow %7 instead of 3%)… When 2015 comes and your phony assumptions for 2015 become the phony assumptions for 2020 (By 2020, the GDP will grow 13% a year)  and you kick the can down the road.

The version of the “Balanced Budget” amendment being floated proposes *eventually* limiting Federal Government spending to 18% of GDP, unless Congress votes not to. It doesn’t address the spending / revenue imbalance, 18% will become a permanent minimum and don’t forget that government spending is included in GDP.

It’s time for the States to write a tough “No Federal borrowing except for a declared war” Constitutional Amendment with no escape clause that lets Congress just vote to ignore it.   What’s going on now is like letting the inmates in a prison decide how the prison will be run.

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4 Responses to “Deficit Reduction” != “Spending Cuts”

  1. DevilsAdvocate says:

    I didn’t even realize that you’d used “!=” in the title until you drew attention to it. I’ve done the same thing in conversations online, though. Ever tried to end a sentence with a semicolon?

    • Art Stone says:

      Every once in a while I slip up, but I try to balance my nested parenthesis (If you know what I mean (and you know you do));

      Back when I was younger and a bit more mature, I toyed with the idea of writing a big long program that was the story of life. It probably was for about the 10 minutes after I read about state machines and I thought I found the secret of life – before I came to my senses.

      • DevilsAdvocate says:

        I think I did the same thing, both with state machines and neural networks. For a brief moment, it seemed to make a lot of sense. Then I just realized I was wrong.

        Btw, at least you don’t try wording stuff in Polish/prefix notation, ala Lisp. (and (If you know what I mean) (you know you do)) or the slightly more confusing RPN for (like what HP calculators tend to use) < and>

        Come to think of it, some days it’s an absolute wonder that I manage English as well as I do!

        /geek moment

        • DevilsAdvocate says:

          Ah, that second example didn’t go through as well as I’d hoped.. I guess it looked too much like HTML tags.
          Lemme try that again..
          < < If you know what I mean >
          < you know you do > and >

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