The future of News

One of my longstanding questions about the future is – once Matt Drudge has killed off all of conventional newspapers, how will people get their news with any assurance it will be “reliable”?

Not shockingly, Google has the answer. YouTube has already become a source of video for news, with the unfortunate side effect of people wanting to provoke the creation of news by taunting police or engaging in dangerous stupid behaviors. Google wants to actively manage that content, to become a direct conduit between YouTube and TV, arranging permission to use content.

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2 Responses to The future of News

  1. briand75 says:

    Google. Who will take over our planet first – Google or Apple? I think “News” is pointless – there isn’t a journalist left on the planet who can report the news. We get lots of opinion, propaganda and bias, though. Maybe that is what Google is going to manage?

    • Art Stone says:

      A few months ago, I was reading up on the origins of the Spanish American war. William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulizter were the Fox News of their time – hyping the masses to want war.

      The U.S. sent the Maine battleship into Havanna without the consent of Spain. The ship and its cache of munitions exploded in the harbor. Without any evidence, the newspapers blamed Spain for the explosion and the war was on.

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