No Keystone XL pipeline? Welcome your railroad overlords

Oil train derails near Hood Oregon

Damage to the river was relatively minor. Carry on.

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3 Responses to No Keystone XL pipeline? Welcome your railroad overlords

  1. foyle says:

    Gov. Brown checks all the appropriate politically correct boxes in her politics and personal life, so she has nothing to worry about.

    I guess the message from Oregon is oil good, coal bad, as the railroads would have benefited financially from transporting Wyoming coal if Oregon had not blocked it:

    Anyone else notice the media crickets over the EPA spill last year in Colorado’s Animas River?

    I guess southwest Colorado residents must not belong to one of the ‘protected’ groups in our society. Otherwise media would be all over this. (If you check local news sources in Colorado, the discoloration of the river has not stopped).

    …and don’t forget that if some ‘evil, capitalist’ corporation had caused this spill you would be hearing about it 24/7 for the past 10 months.

  2. CC1s121LrBGT says:

    It goes without saying that the EPA policies are destroying the environment by preventing the safe transport of oil.

    It reminds me of OSHA – since they were created, the percentage of disabled in the workforce has increase to record highs- all while dangerous manufacturing jobs have moved overseas.

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