Poll ideas

Worthy of an on-topic thread

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9 Responses to Poll ideas

  1. Parrott says:

    Hey guys, I submitted my first ‘Poll’ . It’s on ‘Prepping’ . Make sure you answer it, I hope its a fun/relevant type poll. Not as good as Art Stone, Wotboa or even CharlotteNC, I’ll work on that : )
    Ignore that you get to choose 12 answers. ( I’ll work on that too)
    have a good one

    • Fred Stiening says:

      Good start!

      Now if I just knew what prepping is…

    • Fred Stiening says:

      It should let you continue to change the poll. If you change the wording of an answer, that deletes all the votes for that answer. I think you have the option to reset the poll, which will cause everyone to see the poll again.

      The response rate is probably a pretty good measure of how good a poll is. .5% (1:200) is about the minimum for a poll that people seem to like. Adding a picture of President Obama makes the response rate shoot up, even if the poll has nothing to do with him 😉

    • Fred Stiening says:

      Feel free to suggest ideas how to make it easier, more useful. One of the weaknesses is there is no picture chooser, so you have to guess at what the picture is based on the name.

      I just created a poll as my alter ego CharlotteNC. One thing I can see is there probably should be an “I’m done” indicator, so I don’t release the poll while you are still writing it.

      After you create a poll, you don’t get any feedback. If people add a new answer, I suspend the poll, periodic results, etc… I could have it send you emails. Thoughts?

      I created this after polldaddy cancelled my account after someone complained about one answer on one poll – one of my deliberately ambiguous answers where you read into it what you want to see 😉

  2. JayMar says:

    I have been accused of being a prepper. I like to buy in quantities, especially canned foods. I also buy meats in quantities from local people. I tend to dehydrate and mill a lot of produce, then vacuum-pack it and it’s good for a very long time. I also live close to a creek. I have analyzed the water and it’s potable but I suspect in case of emergency it might become muddy and dirty. I have boiled it and deionized it and it’s perfect. We are quite proficient at bows and arrows, guns, atlatls, throwing knives, katanas, and even sling shots with metallic ore rocks. I have weapons in every room and weaponized capsicum. Had Hillary won I would have doubled on my efforts but with Trump I am a bit more confident that everything will somehow turn around. But, that’s my nature, after so many years in the military, I am always aware of my surroundings and never take things for granted.

    • Fred Stiening says:

      So prepping with a picture of Aldi is asking if you plan to buy 200 pounds of rice “just in case” the cities burn down?

      • Parrott says:

        Yes ! You got it !
        You know a Costco pic would have worked too : )

        Or maybe the BP logo w/obo on how much diesel fuel are you storing for your truck and generator?
        Cause when the ‘balloon goes up’ that’s it.

        • Fred Stiening says:

          Well I have 20 GB free for more polls – knock yourself out 😉

          Taking pictures with a phone and cropping it down and then uploading is good. There may still be issues with trademark disparagement, but at least not copyrights.

  3. Fred Stiening says:

    Thanksgiving would be good territory for poll ideas

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