Who was Fred C. Koch?

Obligatory Wikipedia starting point


At some point in the recent past, you probably have heard the “Koch Brothers” mentioned [Cue the evil hissing from MSNBC]

Fred C Koch was the father of the Koch Brothers, two of whom run Koch Industries.    Fred Koch was born in Texas, the son of immigrants from Holland.  He went to MIT where he studied chemical engineering.   He then became involved in the oil business in the midwest United States, then a hotbed of oil producing and refining.   He co-invented a new process that made it more efficient to create gasoline from crude oil, and was immediately pounced on by the major oil companies and put out of business.

Fred C Koch took his technology instead to the Soviet Union, building plants for them to make gasoline from 1929 to 1932, and then around Europe and the Middle East.   Following the Russian Revolution in 1918, Lenin died in 1924, and Joseph Stalin took power.  In 1928, Joseph Stalin would launch the first of the Five year plans to industrialize Russia pulling people off the farms to work in factories – the result was mass famine in 1933 and a purge of disloyal people in the Great Purge of 1938

In 1960, Fred Koch wrote a 29 page pamphlet called “A Business man looks at Communism”.


If you have the time, read it all.   If you read between the lines and use some imagination, you can see him predicting that the Ford Foundation would create Barack Obama in order to become the first Communist President of the United States.

Fred Koch was a co-founder of the John Birch society in 1958 – he was living in Iraq in 1958 when the Soviet backed Revolution overthrew the British controlled Monarchy.


Back when the TEA party surfaced, I cautioned people to not blindly follow it, but to first ask who is behind it, what do they believe and what are their goals?   That’s not saying I disagree with them – but if you don’t know the above, when a fake TEA party comes along you won’t be sure which group you want to be involved with and go down a path you don’t understand….

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6 Responses to Who was Fred C. Koch?

  1. JayMar says:

    …and indeed fake tea parties abound. Just as the so-called civil rights movement was hijacked by Int’l Communism and religion by black liberation theology. Unfortunately, Art, the majority of Americans are followers who prefer someone else to digest the issues because they refuse to even attempt to understand them. I read Koch’s book many years ago and will do it again. Highly recommend it. This is a book that will open your eyes to the many dangers facing our country today.

    • Art Stone says:

      The book (really only a pamphlet you could order for $.25) showed me why books need editors – while it has lots of interesting ideas, it is extremely short on information that is possible to verify and just wanders from topic to topic without any particular theme. It feels like Mr Welch said “Hey, why don’t you write down some of your experiences in Stalin’s Russia and how Communists are taking over the world”…. and he sat down with a secretary for a couple hours how wrote what he said and typed it up.

      He in particular went after Wendell Willkie and Dwight Eisenhower as possible “Comsymps”.

      One of the thing I’m fully on board with is that it’s a bad idea for rich people to leave huge wads of money sitting in a foundation to be hijacked by later generations for entirely different political purposes with no accountability to anyone for their actions. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will be living on for generations.

  2. JayMar says:

    Just finished reading it again and all I can say is WOW! This book together with the Congressional Record of January 1963 (link below) should be an eye opener. But… Americans are more interested in who will win “American Idol”, and who Kardashian is marrying this week and not in the issus that will eventually destroy our nation.


    • Art Stone says:

      So a Congressperson mumbles for unanimous consent to include material from an anti communist newspaper owner in Florida (Cuban?) who asked to have this list of supposed Communist goals compiled by an anticommunist Mormon John Birch supporter published in the Congressional Record – without any supporting documentation beyond the voices in his head telling him what the Commies are up to?

      You realize that proves nothing other than the US Printing Office kills a lot of trees for no purpose and just because something is on a web site (including this one) doesn’t make it true.

  3. JayMar says:

    Well I don’t disagree with your observation, however, I find it interesting that what was “purported” to be CPUSA’s goals back then have taken place at prob 80-85% completion.

    • Art Stone says:

      Let’s look at what they actually claim they did (from http://www.cpusa.org/faq/)

      Founded in 1919, the Communist Party has helped win important changes in our country. Communists helped organize the great industrial unions including steel, meatpacking and auto. Communists were pioneers in the 1930s in the fight for Social Security, unemployment compensation, the 8-hour day and the 40-hour week. They took a lead in the fight against lynching and to save the Scottsboro Nine. Communists were among those who developed militant direct action tactics – such as the sit-down strikes that helped win unionization of the auto industry. At the height of the Great Depression communist neighborhood clubs organized mass unemployed councils that put back the furniture of evicted neighbors. In rural areas, communists organized to block bank auction of foreclosed farms.

      Fighting Jim Crow, communists helped lay the groundwork for the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. During the Spanish Civil War and in World War II, Communists volunteered to fight fascism. Many died in battle. In the Korean War and early days of the war in Vietnam, Communists were among the few who openly opposed the war. Their pioneering work helped build a huge peace movement.

      In the labor movement of the 1970s , 80s and 90s communist workers along with other progressive rank and filers helped build caucuses to fight for more democracy, diversity and affirmative action and against “business unionism.”

      In the 1970’s Communists led the movement to free Angela Davis continuing the party’s commitment to defend victims of political repression. We worked for peace and nuclear disarmament. Communists always focus on opposing the U.S. government’s role in supporting dictatorial regimes abroad, from apartheid in South Africa to the fascist dictator Pinochet in Chile.

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