Defending Common Core Math

There was a video in my inbox of the convoluted way that the Federally mandated school curriculum teaches subtraction.

This Math teacher actually attempts to defend it. The idea is you subtract by “counting up”from the small number to larger number, by counting in groups of 5 and 10

Defending Common Core

Not having been taught the technique, I’m pretty sure this is roughly how an abacus works – still widely used in Asia. Welcome your Manchurian overlords. Teaching how an abacus works without using an abacus is ummmmm confusing.

One of the opening preemptive salvos my Obama community organizing nephew launched in my direction when I arrived in NC was how ignorant the backward people here are who are opposing a uniform Federal Standard. He works for Microsoft and Bill & Melinda Gates are the force behind this movement. It may be time to bite the bullet and end my relationship with Microsoft when they pull support for Windows XP.

Next time I’m over for dinner, I’ll ask if he supported No Child Left Behind.

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9 Responses to Defending Common Core Math

  1. Art Stone says:

    I should probably say for the record that I don’t think the abacus is “stupid” or backward. I found it more intuitive to do subtraction from left to right. I found out that I’m not alone.

    Want to confuse a store clerk (in the days before electronic cash registers)?

    Let’s say the total for your order at Mcdonalds was $3.32. I hand the cashier a $5 bill, a nickel and 2 pennies.

    What happens next?

    I was a cashier. I subtract the $ .07 – leaving $3.25. $5-$3.25 = $1 + 3 quarters.

    Invariably what I would get was the $,07 give back to me, $1.68 in change and a dirty look as if I was running a scam on them.

  2. Nidster says:

    Common Core is mysteriously being pushed by certain ilk-ish groups including RINOs. Anyways, to bring up a past topic of mine, did you know the start of the next Tetrad occurs in 25 days?

  3. briand75 says:

    Abacus – good. Slide Rule – good. Common core math – weird. I admit it opens your mind to different solutions which may be good.

    Nidster – the Lunar tetrad? Middle of the tetrad is what, Jan 5, 2015. Should be an interesting year or two. All of which reminds me of NASA which used to have good source material on eclipses – of course now you can study up on Islam and the good it has done for humanity and how Christians cause global warming. Astronaut – shmastronaut. See Vlad Putin if you need a space ride.

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