Killing Thomas Jefferson

WAMU-FM is by far one of the most listened to radio stations in Washington DC. WAMU is a public radio station owned by American University, which is where people who want to work for the U.S. State Department get educated.

Kojo Nnambi had a very informative show about the large technological changes coming to the Government Printing Office. One of important things is the announcement that THOMAS, which was created by the Library of Congress is going away – it will be incorporated into

One reason cited for the change is that “Thomas” is non-intuitive when people search Google looking for the text and status of legislation. Thomas was named after Thomas Jefferson.

One caller suggested using “git” for tracking revisions to legislation. Nancy Pelosi stating “We have to pass the bill in order to see what it says” is way too true. Once a bill is introduced, changes are made by amendments, first by the Committee that was assigned the bill, and the whole body. Changes should not be happening because a Congressional staffer edits the document.

That program taught me more than the Rush Limbaugh regime will say in a month.

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