Italy awarded $4.8 billion contract to build dam in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is upstream on one portion of the Nile River. Back 50 years ago, England made a “treaty” between its “colonies” in Africa, giving Egypt the right to use most of the water in the Nile River, and Ethiopia gets none of it – even though they are the source of the water.

Ethiopia is going to unilaterally break that treaty, and with Italy’s “help” going to build a dam on the river that would provide hydro power to the country in large quantities, even if they don’t take water out of the river – but it would leave Egypt and Sudan vulnerable in the future with the ability for Ethiopia to start diverting the water.

Wars have been fought over much less.

How is dirt poor Ehtiopia going to pay $4.8 billion to build a dam? Does global bankers saying “We’ll lend you the money!” ring a bell?

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