Nothing but a man (1964)

A little heavy on the melodrama, but it lines up pretty well my experiences and understanding of history (I moved to North Carolina in 1970)

This is definitely not the story of Barack and Michelle Obama, who haven’t got a clue about “the struggle” they claim to champion.

Resist the urge to click the skip button. If you aren’t crying at the end, your soul is dead.

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One Response to Nothing but a man (1964)

  1. Art Stone says:

    Since nobody pushed back, I’ll point out this is a prime example of anti Southern propogranda of the 1960s that forms the opinions of most people from the North (aka “White Guilt”)

    The director is from Germany. He never lived in the South. The film was made in New Jesrey. It is a work of FICTION crafted by a Harvard professor to push his political views.

    The only positive thing slipped in, almost a throwaway line – was the male actor says in response to the suggestion to go up North, he responds that things are no better up North.

    Someone recently said (I’m thinking I heard it on Steve Harvey) that black people really resent white people (or german Jewish in this case) making movies about the “black experience” – having no real idea what it is, and creating films that are nothing but caricatures of black people. This film is a series of negative stereotypes about black people being alcoholics, prostitutes, fathers of abandoned illegitimate children.

    One other thing he did get right is white people are not generally afraid of black women. I raised a similar point in my Diversity Training class that hiring black women to meet hiring goals was displacing black men, further undermining the black family. I don’t think the two lesbians teaching the class wanted to hear that point of view.

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